I have some old literature for sale

by libra_spirit 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TonyT

    Just make sure that the proceeds from this sale goes to the society.

  • onacruse

    Yeah...don't auction this stuff off just yet, eh?

  • Farkel


    If you don't sell all of your stuff, PLEASE don't dump them. PLEASE donate them to Randy Watters at Freeminds.org. Randy has spent many years fighting the WTS, and his sole outside income is from sale of his newsletter and old WTS literature.

    He's one of the original "old timers" in the ex-dub world and he deserves and has earned a little help now and then.

    BTW, Randy would never make a plea for himself like I just made. I had most of those old books, and donated them (including a complete and original "Photo Drama of Creation") to a Kingdom Hall I only attended once before I decided to leave the dubs.

    Duane Magnani (who is a partner with Randy in antique WTS literature and memorbilia) told me a complete Photo Drama alone could bring as much as $20,000 in today's market. That was 4 years ago. I had almost EVERY booklet published during the Rutherford era, and ALL booklets published in the Knorr era up until 1972 when I left. I had loose Watch Towers dating back to 1889, Golden Ages, Consolations and tons of other stuff.

    I would guess my collection would be worth about $30,000 today.

    Now be a good Samaritan and send all your stuff you don't sell to Randy. If anyone deserves it, he does.


  • gitasatsangha

    I know this is off topic, but it just came to mind and I'll forget it otherwise.(It is probably old news anyway) For some reason (at least up into the mid-nineties) Moody Bible Bookstore carries/d copies of the book to Photo Drama of Creation.

  • dustyb

    farkel is right, if you don't use it to your benefit, donate it to randy. he's a good guy and deserves all that scrumpy literature for helping a lot of us =D

  • TD

    I've PM'd you, Libra.

    BTW, "The Way To Paradise" is quite valuable on the collector's market. Don't just give those away.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Did anyone ever get any kind of a reply from Libra_Spirit?

    I sent both a PM and an email, and neither were ever acknowledged.

  • onacruse

    NN, I haven't heard back either.

  • nicolaou

    Same here - heard nothing

  • Sassy

    I still have some literature to part with myself..

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