Mickey Mouse or Jesus Christ

by shotgun 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu
    The C.O got on the stage and counseled ones to plan theocratic vacations instead of regular type hot-spot get away vacations.

    The two vacations I had when I was young were theocratic to some point. We went to Thompson to visit my mormon uncle. We attended all the meetings, and even attended a get-together.

    A year later, we went to Saskatoon to attend the convention since it wasn't held in Winnipeg that year. We stayed with a theocratic family.

    My childhood vacations were shitty.

  • Atilla


    That's too funny, I didn't even think of them renaming the rides

    They good do a magic house named House of the Thousand Russelites

    And for wait times: if you were really far back in line: Like it's 1914

    if you were still really far back in line: Like it's 1975

    Hey, the ride could be over: 2034

  • Sassy

    Like as JWs you have a life of your own any way.. I love the balance.. guilt because you took your kids to Disneyland..

    Let's face it, most families if they were just making ends meet while raising kids as JWs, the DCs (if they had to travel to it) were the only vacation they got..

  • gaiagirl

    Hmmm....Jesus is reported to have brought a dead man back to life, although there is no solid evidence to support this claim.

    I actually SAW video footage in which Mickey once brought a broom to life, and taught it to work productively. The footage has been shown in movie theatres for decades, and can even be purchased by interested persons.

    Jesus is said to have died for everyones sins, and his followers in the first century believed that they would never die at all, yet they did anyway, as has every single follower of Jesus up to this day. Not one has continued alive as expected. Expectations were not met.

    On the other hand, Mickey was reported to be able to kill giants, and I actually SAW video footage in which he did this, with assistance from a duck and a dog (I think it was a dog, but a Goofy looking one). Expectations met and even exceeded.

  • Special K
    Special K

    This is a very uplifting topic Shotgun...

    Who'd have thunk there is such a creative bunch on this forum..

    so witty...fast thinkers..

    Some of the names for rides at Disney are so funny..

    I like the standing in waiting lines at 1914, 1975, 2034......

    Good imaginations as work here.. LOL

    special K

  • worldlygirl

    I think there would be a long, long line for an attraction called "Armageddon". Of course, there would really be no ride, but the signs would always say the end of the line is "just around the corner."

  • Mary
    The C.O got on the stage and counseled ones to plan theocratic vacations instead of regular type hot-spot get away vacations.

    Ya, after all, you wouldn't want your kids to see worldly people actually ENJOYING themselves.....or worse still, you wouldn't want your kids to enjoy being at a WORLDY theme park, now would you? Disney's got nuthin' on Bethel!

    Then the topper...He says...Brothers did Mickey Mouse die for your sins or Jesus Christ...

    Monty, I'm going to risk everything and go with Door #1 and say: Mickey Mouse!

  • Nosferatu

    Could you imagine listening to Kingdom Melodies while you're on a rollercoaster ride? And the rides being named after Convention themes? The Divine Justice rollercoater. People would fall asleep on the rides!

  • RunningMan

    Hey, Nos, the year you were in Saskatoon was 1988, wasn't it? I was living in Calgary at the time, but came home to Saskatchewan for the big assembly. I thought you looked familiar.

  • simplesally

    Living in California, it was not pushed to go to Bethel. What was pushed was to go to Seldom Worked Territory .... use your hard earned vacation to go to some deserted area --- usually hot as Hades----drive around unfamiliar territory that the congregation cannot get to during the year.

    If that was not possible, it was suggested real strongly that our vacations be used to attend the Convention, so that not even one day would be missed. Don't forget, one should show appreciation for the CO and take time off during the week so you could go in field service.

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