Do the old boys on the GB actually report their field service hours?

by eyeslice 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • eyeslice

    This came to mind as my 71 year old wife got up at 6:30 to drive 1.1/4 hours to meet the field ministry group. We live a long way from the Kingdom Hall and the traffic is horrendous where we live!

    Somehow, I doubt the good old boys do much themselves. After all, they spend all day in front of the cameras and must be able to count every waking minute of the day as 'field service'. But actually speaking to non believers in the field? Perhaps they are just to high up to get their hands dirty.

    Being filmed releasing new language editions of the New Translation is more their style and fuels their egos.

  • enoughisenough
    too bad she is still asleep beings she gets up early.
  • Biahi

    The great 8 probably get to count all the time they spend broadcasting. 🤮

  • smiddy3

    I doubt very much that they would lower themselves to go D2D and actually speak to members of BTG

  • punkofnice

    TOMO the 3rd will be too drunk on expensive Whiskey to be bothered.

    I'm sure the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), are exempt from anything other than a rock star life style.

    I can imagine TOMO drunk (like he usually seems to be), hurling TV's out of Hotel windows. Goosing the Bell Boy's bum and winking.

    I feel the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), will never live by their own (not the Bible's), rules as they sneer down on the great unwashed. (Unless one is a sexual predator, then TOMO and the boys will rally around to protect their like minded nonce).

    Safe to say, they won't count time(tm). As Smiddy says quite rightly, it's below them.

  • TonusOH

    Didn't they let Rutherford off the hook back when he was the president of the WTS? He was demanding onerous preaching schedules while not spending a minute in field service himself, and the explanation was that he was too busy organizing the effort and giving speeches. He did make that phonograph recording that JWs played for people when they were in field service. Maybe he counted that, and ended up preaching two million hours a month or something.

    What they don't seem to remember is that Jesus (ie, someone slightly higher on the totem pole than them) preached constantly and to whoever would listen. The GB? Too busy making videos and waiting while the unpaid labor cleans their rooms, cooks their meals, and shines their shoes. Why, the resemblance to the holy men of the past is unmistakable!

  • WingCommander

    If the video recorded of Anthony Moron da Turd at the New Jersey Bottle King is any indicator, than NO.

    TOMO3 couldn't even be bothered to offer up a "casual" witness when approached about whiskey preferences. Nope! He was all business; professing his wife's love of Jamison's Irish. No mention of the other J's - Jehovah and Jesus. Must have slipped his mind!

    Honestly, that was the most striking thing about that whole incident. Not that he was at a liquor store in New Jersey, on a Sunday Morning (meeting time!), or even buying 10 bottles of McCallen's. No! It's that here he was out.....a Governing Body Member......and a member of the "world" approached him in casual talk.......and he completely missed the opportunity to lead it into a preaching opportunity. Didn't even cross his mind. What a bunch of fuggin' hypocrites. As a born-in, I had it shoved down my throat that I was to be a good-little JW at all times, place the old blue "School Brochure" with my teachers, even have literature out on my desk as a Witness. (uh, no! that shit didn't happen, I valued my life!) But oh hey! These fat old booze hounds can't even speak up in casual conversation when they are supposed to be an example and leaders! Fuck these chucklefuck clowns!

  • punkofnice

    Wingy. Here, here. Absolutely agree with you, squire.

    I had it shoved down my throat that I was to be a good-little JW at all times

    Me too. I was mainly embarrassed to do it, but 'preach(tm)' I had to. Lawdy, it was an uncomfortable life. The Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), have no idea....or if they do, they laugh at the Jobots discomfort.

    a member of the "world" approached him in casual talk.......and he completely missed the opportunity to lead it into a preaching opportunity

    It shows that they probably don't believe their own crap-house nonsense.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They probably get no more than 6hrs per month. Albeit on broadcasting and things like that.

  • Hellothere

    Yeah but I think this people actually love the preaching work and hate being Infront of camera. They wanted too be part of bethel. So they will have too deal with it.

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