"Forced" study with an Elder - The first question i will pose, help appreciated.

by CitizenofEarth 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Londo111

    Then as has been mentioned: since you've been dip it is especially important to guard your tongue. Keep researching, do the bare minimum you have to, make friends with non-JWs, prepare for college and being able to support yourself afterward. Then you will be in a position to move on.

    Never forget the convention last year where the girl was disfellowshipped and her father kicked her out. Watchtower is sending an implied instruction.

    When I woke up, I examined the theology on this topic and others, and it does not add up.

    Maybe this would be of use to you on the subject of the Great Crowd and "Other Sheep".


    Of course, if you check my channel, you'll see there are other topics like 607, 1914, Door to Door where things fall apart on examination as well.

    Of course, like I said it is best to keep it to yourself for now.
  • Steel

    Ask what the new convenant is ask about the new understanding of the faithful slave is. Then state " so we believe Jesus died to give us the slave ? ". Then ask if he could tell you the story of the golden calf again.

  • CitizenofEarth

    Then as has been mentioned: since you've been dip it is especially important to guard your tongue. Keep researching, do the bare minimum you have to, make friends with non-JWs, prepare for college and being able to support yourself afterward. Then you will be in a position to move on.
    Never forget the convention last year where the girl was disfellowshipped and her father kicked her out. Watchtower is sending an implied instruction.
    When I woke up, I examined the theology on this topic and others, and it does not add up.
    Maybe this would be of use to you on the subject of the Great Crowd and "Other Sheep".
    Of course, if you check my channel, you'll see there are other topics like 607, 1914, Door to Door where things fall apart on examination as well.
    Of course, like I said it is best to keep it to yourself for now.

    I will adhere to your advice, and thank you for the link.

  • Awakenednow

    Good advice all, I agree it's best to play along too as you are complying to keep peace with the folks, but if you do bring up controversial subjects always ask questions like, ?what do you think of this or that? That way the elder is defending his belief and not challenging yours. If he turns it on you just say huh, I'm not sure ...I was just wondering and drop it. It's best not to try to argue facts, just stay humble it'll feed his ego and you'll demonstrate the right attitude to him. One obvious question that's not so in your face that festered with me was in the revelation book when all those district assemblies supposedly fulfilled the trumpet blasts in revelation. You could say, bro elder, I totally don't get it, what's the deal with the assemblies having anything to do with revelation prophecy? Could you tell me about how that works? if it gets weird you just say, I'll just have to pray about that but I appreciate your point, thank you. But ask for help to understand the stuff and just act willing to be teachable, in that way maybe he'll choke on some of the crazy doctrine himself and you'll still be able to maintain peace in your situation without compromising your own thinking ability.

  • Awakenednow

    Oh and remember that you posed the question of the 144k to him... let him answer and just tell him you appreciate him making the effort to help you understand. Don't give him your opinion or say more then he asks, just nod and say huh I can see that or just, I don't get it... but don't argue the doctrine. Let him do all the teaching. If he asks you your feelings say you sorta understand what he's saying but you probably need some time for what he said to sink in and you'll keep studying to build up your faith.

  • Iamallcool

    Good Luck! Be calm and you would be better off saying nothing or You can say oh I see, thank you for helping me understand things better. Trust me you do not want to be df'd for apostasy.

  • smiddy

    In the Christian Greek Scriptures their are over 30 times where it says that christians are to be witnesses of/for/or about Jesus and not one that instructs christians to bear witness about Jehovah ,you could ask humbly ,why is that so ?

    You are also aware that the Christian Greek Scriptures say that the name of Jesus is to be exalted above every other name , either in heaven on ,earth ,or under the earth. (that includes jehovah)

    However I do agree with what others have said here play it down act dumb and be submissive until your a bit older .

    If the Elder senses you are questioning the GB al he will want to do is entrap you into committing yourself.

    Take care.CoE

  • punkofnice

    Read the article about the 'overlapping generation(tm)'. Watch the Pope Splane video.

    Q. I've read the article and seen the Splane video about the 'overlapping generation(tm)'. I don't understand it. Can you explain it to me in words I can understand? What scripture specifically says the generations would 'overlap(tm)'? I couldn't find it.

    Just listen to the answer, If he suggests you do more research then say, 'Oh, that's a shame. I thought an elder would be able to explain it.'

    Leave it at that.

  • biblexaminer

    If you are financially dependent on your folks, then you are stuck. Watchtower makes good use of economic pressure. Once a youth is able to fend for themselves, true freedom follows.

    But if you want to talk, then the chief thing that you will be faced with is the blood doctrine and the outsiders who will question you on this topic. This is the most powerful topic, and the fact that it is so controversial means that you have a valid excuse to bring it up. Outsiders will inquire from you an answer.

    "My teacher asked me how it is that we can't participate in the blood drive because blood must be 'poured out' according to our beliefs, but at the same time we are allowed to have blood fractions which are produced with donated blood from these same drives?"

    No way out for the elder.

    But understand first that you start a war with this. You nail them to the wall, and on every nail is written the word hypocrite.

    You don't want a war? Then refer back to the first sentence.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Have fun! No sarcasm or irony intended.

    Do your research secretly, but play along. Use the "Bible" study as an entertainment moment or perhaps a study of the mind of cult members. That's what I have done in the last five years. It certainly will be an education that can be useful in the years to come to shield you from propaganda and cults.

    I am not asking you to sacrifice your truthfulness. You keep that, but don't waste it, or even harm yourself, by having a candid conversation with an elder.

    Just have fun knowing that you know far more than your teacher. However, you want to play dumb, very dumb, and perhaps drag the study to frustrate your "teacher". "Be stupid enough to not understand" and therefore be able to say that you are not ready for baptism, or pioneering, or anything that consumes your valuable time. Just don't play smart. that's not good at this time.

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