The Watchtower Society has lost the information war

by truthseeker 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • rem

    "Mission Accomplished"

    Now we just have this damn Guerilla war to tend with. ;)


  • dustyb

    The more info this forum accumulates, the harder it is to find something very specific, say an event at Bethel, or a discussion of JCanon's latest insight.

    muhaha, we have something they don't, our own personal prophet =P

  • Maverick

    Good points all. My feeling is the one great advantage of the web is users accelerate their deprogramming from the borg. Before, Df'd and disinfranchised ones were rather isolated, and the WTS put the blame on them. Now JW's can read the thoughts and feeling of others and see that they are not alone. The problems they came to see are real and it is the WTS that has something to hide! Maverick

  • DevonMcBride

    Woohoo!!! It will only get tougher for the WT, as more and more people get online.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Besides the danger the Internet poses to those faithful JWs with the courage or curiousity to surf the net, its most lethal threat is to the efforts to recruit new members from the field. What's the most logical next step to be taken by any computer-literate prospect who, upon having listened with interest to some JW's door-to-door message, but to go to the PC and type in ``Jehovah's witnesses" or ``Watchtower" into a search engine? Not only is this likely to nip any nascent interest in the bud, it's also going to provide the prospect with a list of very hard questions for which any returning dubbie will be ill-prepared to answer.

  • DanTheMan
    I wonder what percentage of members are NOT GOING BACK after leaving? Before, there was nowhere to go. I bet many went back through lack of inertia - not enough zip to break orbit.

    This is an excellent point. I think that for many of us, the internet has helped us to escape physically *and* mentally.

  • TopHat
    Is there going to be similar law, perhaps an XJW law, that the number of exwitnesses leaving the organization will double every 18 months?

    New exJWs are happening everyday!

  • AuldSoul

    I was thoroughly ensconced in congregational activities in February 2004. I now know I was duped by a clever marketing strategy. Whatever can be built can be dismantled. Every lower stone that crumbles under the pressure from on high makes it more likely the tower will fall.


  • jgnat

    Holy thread resurrection! I think this prediction is coming to pass. With every heavy-handed response by the WTBTS, it seems we have a whole new batch of newbies posting here.

    I thought of another one:

    8. What is the first thing the inquiring householder with internet access does after that Very Nice Witness leaves? They check the internet. After all, they don't want to be caught in another MLM scheme.

    So I think the breadth of information available acts as a prevention as well as a cure.

  • Quentin

    Interesting thread...thanks for bringing it back up jgnat....

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