The Porneia debacle of the 80's

by Flash 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Loris

    What I remember is the first light was discussed at the service meeting. My best friend was very ignorant of sexual things even tho she was married. After the meeting she asked an elders wife, with me standing with her, what oral sex was. She was aghast. I will never forget her words. " I can't believe that sombody would put in their mouth what I won't even touch with my hand." There was no way that I would ever admit that I had experience in such goings on. I knew what would happen to me if I fessed up.

    When the retraction came down the pike it was not mentioned at a meeting. Many dubs still feel that it is a forbidden no-no. The wording in the new light is so wishy-washy and it still leans toward the it's a bad thing. The only thing that they did was make it a conscience thing which in double-speak means that you are spiritually weak if you exersize your conscience and do it.

    I have heard of couples being counseled against it even now.


  • Elsewhere
    what actually happened was the electric light bulb failed and then it was replaced by a larger wattage light bulb and then the light got brighter and brighter again

    This, of course, was done by two midgets with a camera and a flash bulb dressed in leather.

  • minimus

    Before I was an elder in the 70's, I knew of a sister that got private reproof because she performed oral sex on her husband. The elders that "dealt with her" fely very uncomfortable to judicially reprove her, esp. since she was the one that "came forward" to tell about her sin!

  • Aztec

    Shotgun and Badger, you're both so funny!

    I don't remember the porneia debacle cause I was only a kid. I'm sure it was as memorable as everything else the GB put out though.


  • dannyboy

    I hesitate to be serious here, BUT:

    The one thing that immediately comes to mind about this is that elders had very specific definitions of what was/wasn't an act of porneia (in the Flock book, for example), which the "average" congregation member were totally ignorant in case after case, many folks learned to their total shock that they'd "gone over the line" (of WTBTS rules) without realizing it.

    Sort of like getting a ticket from a cop that tells you about a speed limit that's not posted. Absurd to say the least.

    Sadly, for me, just another example of outrageous stuff I participated in as an elder. I recall being "bothered" about this, but my dubbie-trained brain justified things by the 'ol "Mother Knows Best"....


  • Sassy

    What kills me is that if they change their mind they can totally removed the information on the cd..

    but when they want to prove a point they can pick something out of like 1957 and use it to prove this or that is wrong..

    all I know is.. even when I was a JW.. IF the elders are 'doing it' behind closed doors and you know some of them are.. I sure wasn't going to be told I couldn't go down on my man..

  • Flash

    Thank you all for your input.


    I read on another site about the WT CD Rom censoring information and tried finding this issue on it and haven't! So now I can add another reason to be disgusted with the WTBTS.

  • RubaDub

    I personally recall being blown away about the whole issue.

    ****** Rub a Dub

  • minimus

    "Blown away", huh?

  • RubaDub

    .... so to speak ..... as it were.

    ***** Rub a Dub

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