Does your past define you?

by Princess 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel

    I believe that the most significant experiences and turning points of our past will define us now, until we have it all in the proper perspective. That can take a long time if you just wait for it to happen. In the case of x-JW's it usually takes quite awhile because of all the cognitive training, dogma and cultish influence they projected into our lives, along with the fact that we are human and make mistakes. This affects many for years after they have "left".

    Because I am a firm believer in the fact that what I am now would not be happening if it were not for my life's experiences--both good and not so good-- I would say that although the past does affect "who I am now", it does not define me with labels such as "df'd, da'd, unacceptable, evil, wicked, the living dead, or apostate". I simply won't allow it.


  • Golf

    Hi Princess. When I reflect about the past, I find the way I think has defined me. As a youngster I had certain goals I wanted to achieve. I may not have achieved the 'exact' goals but what I have achieved is comparable to my goals. I guess I can liken it to Generic Viagra, same results.

    I've learned to extract any good that I have experienced from the past, and this has led me to a life of being content. This is my experience and it has worked for me. We all have our own ships to steer and all I can do is hope everyone the best. I do not dwell in the 'if's' of life. I would never have achieved and accomplished my goals if I allowed the past to control me. To me, it was my mindset. Good question by the way.

    Guest 77

  • Love_Truth

    Certainly. Yesterday was the "past", this morning was, and everything since we took our firts breath (even before that, really) is our "past". I think anyone who disregards or minimizes the influence of their past is in denial. To understand who we are means understanding where we came from, and how are past experiences have defined who we are today.

    I, on the one hand, am glad for the love of the Bible and the desire to please God that was brought about by my time(s) as a Jaydubyuh. On the other hand, many of my years were wasted going to meetings to hear human's views and opinions taught as if they were God's.

    I am glad I left the "organization", just another false religion, IMHO, and have come to believe that ALL religions are false, and that the only way to please God is by putting faith in him and his son's sacrifice, to do our best to live the Fruitages of the Spirit, to love and help one another, and to do our best to help others to do the same and come to know him.

    It's been working for me so far- I left for good about four years ago, after leaving once before as a teenager (disfellowshipped), only to come back in, raise a family, and realize it for the "emperor's clothes" organization that it is.

    Always look on the briiiiiiihght side of life, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo...................

  • Rick Aust
    Rick Aust

    We are ALL a product of our upbringing. Most problems, faults, behavior patterns can be linked to our upbringing. Serial killers have mind problems that are nearly allways linked to their upbringing. Nice people are nice mostly because they are bought up in a Nice home with a Good upbringing. If you want to work somneone out, study their childhold, their parents, their upbringing. etc etc

  • Princess

    Well first of all, a big WELCOME to Love_truth. Good to have you here.

    You all have some interesting thoughts on the subject. I'll ponder them and add to it later. I'm off to the gym...good for pondering.


  • Love_Truth

    Well, thank you. It's good to share thoughts with others who have a similar background- have a good workout!!

  • codeblue

    I second Lady Lee and Xena's comments.

    Our past defines us but we can define our future,


  • dustyb

    I can't speak for others, but i know i'm defined by my past. i guess thats why i'm such a hard-ass, and i won't settle for what anyone think is right or not.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I have had many pasts, but one common thread in all of them is that I have a addictive personality. Its either been drugs, alcohol, sex, food, religon.

  • sunshineToo

    I think so. I am what I am now because of what I was in the past.

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