Just In: Unofficial Poll Results - JWD Voters vs. 60 Minutes Report

by bisous 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    Last Sunday, 60 Minutes made the following religious vs. voter affiliation report:

    2/3rds of churchgoers vote Republican while 2/3rds of non-churchgoers vote Democrat.

    I posted an Unofficial Poll for JWD posters in order to compare and contrast. Unfortunately, the thread died due to server problems after 20 votes, but here are the results:

    6 Republicans responded, with approximately 2/3 (4 out of 6) reporting to be non-churchgoers (opposite of the news update).

    10 Democrats responded, with appromately 2/3 (7 out of 10) reporting to be non-churchgoers (directly aligned with the news update).

    4 additional responders reported a variety of options (none offered, but that goes to show you about JWD folks)

    Interesting that our Republicans appear to be different than the norm, but these results reflect a small sampling. If you want to register your position on the Poll, please do so! Hopefully this one won't die so soon.

    Other comments welcome!

  • Gretchen956

    Actually I'm not that surprised. It takes a lot of us a very long time to want to get involved with organized religion again after being duped once with mind control. That doesn't mean that everyone always throws away their personal values with the religion. I think its more a skewed poll because of the WTS background. But interesting non-the-less. I would have liked to have seen it go on longer to see more posts.

    By the way, I'm just making an observation, neither agreeing or disagreeing with anyone's religious beliefs or political viewpoints. I am a Democrat and very spiritual, but then again I am allergic to organized religion. So there you go.


  • bisous

    I agree Gretchen, I expected different results than 60 Minutes because of our cult experience and how that can discourage future church attendance.

    I want more results too!! So c'mon JWDs, if you didn't respond before, register your opinion now? Where do you fall:

    1. Republican Churchgoer
    2. Republican Non Churchgoer
    3. Democrat Churchgoer
    4. Democrat Non Churchgoer
    5. Other (please explain)

    Inquiring mind(s) want to know!

  • Athanasius

    Sorry that I missed 60 Minutes. Intestingly both my girlfriend and I attend church. She is registered Democrat and I am registered Republican.

  • Farkel

    It's not really an acceptable sampling with such low numbers and such.

    A better sampling might be: ask 100,000 average (i.e. "normal") people if they believe in Noah's Flood(tm) as reported in the Bible. Then ask all dubs if they believe the same story. I can predict the results: 100% of dubs will say they believe it, even if they don't. Dubs are notorious liars. BibleGod(tm) will execute them if they say differently, so they lie (thinking that BibleGod(tm) doesn't know they are lying). Most normal people will laugh so hard about believing in a Noachian flood that they can't get the composure to actually give an answer.

    Therefore, due to carefully planned statistical analysis, the Bible Flood story is a FACT!


  • FlyingHighNow

    1. Republican Churchgoer
    2. Republican Non Churchgoer
    3. Democrat Churchgoer
    4. Democrat Non Churchgoer
    5. Other (please explain)

    I am not a republican or a democrat. I think of myself more as a moderate. I am not a registered voter and never have voted.

    Andy helped me take an unbiased quiz which put me being a more moderate democrat. So for this poll, I'll say: number 4.


  • bisous


    I laughed a statistically invalid 1,9 minutes

  • fader

    non-church going independent here.

  • Undecided

    I don't vote, I'm as disgusted with politicians as I am with the GB, they are all self deluded, power driven morons.

    Ken P.

  • Englishman

    If I knew what a Republican was, I'd vote.

    I know that if I ran a pub I would be a publican, am I on the right track?


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