Study gone bad

by galaxy7 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flash

    "...Are they afraid that if they do, it will be determined that the accounts are true? Are they afraid of more negative publicity? If it is The Truth?, why are they so afraid of totally open and public scrutiny?"

    Afraid of all the money they'd lose in the lawsuits to follow most likely. Look at the beating the Catholic Church is taking!

  • shamus


    They went running from you like you were frothing at the mouth and cursing "Jehovah's" (tm) name, LOL!

    How dare you question them!

    Yes, it's they're way or they highway. You wouldn't make a good cult member.

    Next time they come by, laugh at them how they went running away from you when you mentioned the truth about silent lambs. Shit, I'd run too if I had to deal with that stuff too! You probably shook they're faith!

    Oh well; welcome to the demons, LOL!

  • garybuss

    Not surprising, The studies purpose is to make a new Witness. If it looks like the mark is not taking the bait, usually studies are stopped. I have asked several Witnesses for a study over the years to "help" me clear up my "questions". I asked my father to study with me and he said no and told me to ask Greg Herrboldt. I asked my son to study with me and he said I wasn't worth the effort. This was just after I wrote a $30,000.00 check for his college costs. Makes ya all warm and fuzzy doesn't it?

  • Maverick

    Call your study conductor up and tell her you want to keep going! Ask her why you are not allowed to be honest and speak your heart? Do they really want to teach you the truth? Are they honest and want you to be honest too? Tell her you are very disappointed in her for not wanting you to be truthful with her. If she want a parrot buy a recorder and study with herself. Then she will get all the answers just the way she wants them. Tell her that you find it interesting that she wants you to investigate your beliefs but she is not allowed to do the same. She is not an honest person and you feel sorry for her! Really drive home her lack of honesty!Maverick

  • badboy

    Y not report your husband 4 wife-beating,+ I wouldn't take his beating, I would inform him in no uncertain terms(ungraciously,that is)what I Think.

  • Nosferatu

    LOL! This is absolutely hilarious!

    A few hours later I got a call saying there would be no further bible studies

    This is the funniest damn thing I've read in a long time! Apostates having bible studies. I'll tell you, I know how you feel about being silenced. That's one of the main reasons I left. I couldn't speak what was on my mind.

    If she want a parrot buy a recorder and study with herself.
  • bucknut

    "Sorry Galaxy.. they are probably afraid of what you have to say"

    I am not sure if they are afraid, but it can be compared on how you don't want to hear their "garbage" and they don't want to hear yours either. When a person has their mind made up something is right or wrong you are not going to convience them either way.

    Maybe something is not right with me, but I tell the elders exactly how I feel about things. One elder has taken a very keen interest in me and talks with me almost everyday. I bring up things that I read here good/bad and we discuss them. If he gives some junk answer I tell him. I am sure I might be labled by some others, but ok. You have to be honest to yourself and them. I just do not see how so many let the feelings of elders effect in some cases destroy theit realtionship with god. I have read a lot of post and many here still seem to love jehovah but let bad experiences with elders or other men destroy that. There are others who think it is complete garbagge and that is cool too.

    This board has been great for me to see another perspective in things, I truly respect all your opinions. I do find it very interesting how some people felt totally controlled by the orginization, and I have to agree that is not healthy. I personally love Jehovah and try to live my life according, love, peace, and forgivness. I put it in his hands not the elders. In fairness though there are some really great ones who work very hard because they are doing what they think is right. Not bashing either side here.

    Be well all!!

  • Gadget
    those shows on tv against JWS are instigated by demons.

    Are they the same demons that instigated the purple triangle documentary?

  • badboy

    What was the purple triangle documentary?

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Well done, Galaxy. It took courage to speak up.

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