Have they changed their views about transexuals??

by Mulan 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Valis
    I hope that this thread, doesn't spiral out of control.

    I agree....Oh and greetings RAY, like the new avatar.


    District Overbeer

  • RubaDub

    I think I read that in the case of a woman surgically be changed into a man, the new "brother" would be allowed to carry the microphones. However, "he" would be required to wear a headcovering while doing so.

    Rub a Dub

  • Rabbit


    I believe I know the site you are mentioning, a very 'WTS apologist site', and a stance I would stay completely clear of. If I recall, it admonishes almost complete abstinence which renders one, asexual. Sad.

    This is sad, people that throw around that word 'abstinence' all have one thing in common, they ALL have someone ! (or physical problems that prevent sexual functioning)

    Questions: I am kinda new here, I don't quite understand what is meant by a 'JW or WT apologist' person or site ??

    Also, what the HELL does 'BTTT' mean...? I have racked my tiny bunny rabbit brain and can't figure it out ???

    and lastly...on this thread...what does the WT say about hermaphrodites ? Can they ...get married to either sex or none?

    Get baptised, MS, Elder, etc. after all even the WT cannot use their arguements about "choice" or "preferences" ? After all they were born in such a way that no one can 'translate' or argue...take that back...the Elders would probably have them 'drop their pants/dress' to assess the situation for themselves. * sigh *

  • Swan

    RAYZORBLADE wrote:

    I think it would be better, if and when, a person who is transgendered (former JW) could speak on their own behalf than us here for them; mere speculation. I do know of one, but I do not know if she lurks or has even posted here.

    Again, I cannot speak on behalf of any trangendered person: they know themselves better than anyone, and probably face things, way tougher than any of us can imagine.

    Then again, I would hope they could come here and speak for themselves.
    I hope that this thread, doesn't spiral out of control.

    If there is a transsexual lurking on this board, I respectfully ask you why in the world he or she would speak out on this board about this subject? Given the history of heated threads on this and other similar subjects on this board, why would someone want to expose their personal medical history to people here for dissection and crude comments and innuendos? This board does not have a very good track record in that regard.

    If either of my out lesbian granddaughters or their partners had ever been JWs, I still wouldn't recommend this board to either of them. They don't need anymore negativity in their lives. They don't need the judgmental attacks or to have their love life be reduced to descriptions of body parts.

    For those here that are out, I admire your bravery, but I imagine there are a lot here who lurk because of the heated battles that frequently occur on the subjects of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality. Why should they come out?

    For those here that are straight and working to overcome their JW prejudices in these areas, I think that is great. There are a lot of you. But there are a lot of people on this board who think differently and are very vocal in their attacks. When a gay wedding announcement is made and what should be a congratulatory thread on the love two people have for each other becomes an attack thread, then it is easy to see why a lot more people don't come out or leave this board entirely.


  • metatron

    "Have you noticed that Sister Subrosa has 'man-hands'?"

    Changed their views on transsexuals? Surely you jest! I think that would be quite a leap for the

    gerontocrats to grasp.


  • FirstInLine

    Hermaphrodites would have trouble in the WTS fo sho. Genetically they are men. They have faces like women, bodies like boys, functional male apparati, and vaginas without uteri.

    I guess they would be required to be men but of course they would come across more like Prince and they wouldnt be allowed to use their vaginas. Plus they tend to be sterile (testicles where the ovaries go and thus they are overheated) , although technically it would be possible for them to father children with todays technology.

    Not many hermaphrodites out there. I have heard that doctors tend to recommend corrective surgery as children which renders them as infertile females.

  • Mysterygirl

    I am a transexual that was dishfellowshiped from the Jws. I am not going to wright about it he but you are more then welcome to read my topic in the life experance forum it's called TWISTED LIFE.

    The current standing is that Transexuality in any form is a big NO-NO

  • Mulan
    For those here that are straight and working to overcome their JW prejudices in these areas, I think that is great. There are a lot of you. But there are a lot of people on this board who think differently and are very vocal in their attacks. When a gay wedding announcement is made and what should be a congratulatory thread on the love two people have for each other becomes an attack thread, then it is easy to see why a lot more people don't come out or leave this board entirely.

    Thanks to Tammy for posting this. I have a gay niece and we accept her and her partner completely. They are great gals, and very much an asset to our family. I know many gay people and I hope I have gotten over all my former JW prejudices.

    The current standing is that Transexuality in any form is a big NO-NO

    That's what I thought. I have to wonder about this person in the congregation North of us. There must be more to the story, or a great injustice has been done to those who were df'd for it.

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