by avishai 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avishai

    Lately, with all the talk about Mel Gibsons new movie, etc., it got me to thinking. Here you have people that suffer for their WHOLE LIVES. With Cerebral Palsy, Constant pain, watching their entire families get gunned down.

    Here is the deal. You have these same people that put Jesus' suffering above their own. It's Ridiculous. You have a man, in some traditions including the JW's, who was never sick a day in his life. Who's parents and siblings were apparently alive when he died. He had no kids, he never had to hear "We're terribly sorry, Mr. Christ, Your daughter was killed by a drunk driver." All he did was hang out with his buddies and preach. So what? God so loved the world that he let his only begotten son die? For a day? While the people that he put in the same boat ALL die? And continued to die after Jesus' death? And suffer? BFD!!!!! (That means Big F*%King Deal).

    Why do people get so worked up over this? Thousands of people were crucified. Thousands of people are tortured to death EVERY DAY!!!!!!

    Why is Jesus so F-ing special? What's the big deal?

  • BlakesDoom

    I couldnt agree with you more avishai , so many people focus on how and why jesus died without even considering that many humans have died in much more painfull not to mention slower ways. mine collapses, drowning, starvation, aids related ilness, cancer, and what did he have to do??? Oh he was spit upon then hung by nails in his hands and feet untill his death....... and to top it all off he died before many of the common humans hung near him. yeah yeah it was to fufill prophecy with the whole side piercing deal, And to top that all off he had knowlage of what lay ahead of him after death with certainty. Dang now that would sure take the edge off death now wouldnt it? Yup he got off easy.

  • shamus


    The only people who make you feel guilty about Jesus sacrifice is humans, not god.

    Tell the preachers where to go.

  • avishai
    And to top that all off he had knowlage of what lay ahead of him after death with certainty. Dang now that would sure take the edge off death now wouldnt it? Yup he got off easy

    Oh, man, I can't believe i forgot that part!! Yeah, wow. Oh, man, poor Jesus, poor guy! I'm all broken up for him!!! I cry blood over his pain!


  • shamus


    ROFLMAO! You're so right... and thank you for pointing out that glaring contradiction.

    I don't feel at all sorry for Jesus. Never have and never will. Besides, one could ask, does he really want our pity? Don't think about what the evangelists tell you; just what you've read.

    From what I've read I really don't think so.

  • avishai

    Yup, I don't feel sorry for a guy who let my dad die, let my bro. get molested, let my other bro get autism and let me have epilepsy because, according to X-tians got suckered in a cosmic bar bet by one of his own kids!!!! POOR GUY!!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, I hate to see anyone suffer. But the problem I have is churches teaching that none of us are good. We were conceived and were evil from the get go.The inclination of human beings is bad from the cradle to the grave. I don't agree. I feel that most people are pretty good folks.

    It's hard not to get angry over all of our suffering. I worry all the time about my grown children. They make poor decisions that scare me. One of them is a parent. I worry about my grandkids, too.

    Well, this morning, after being up all night with insomnia due to worry, I just got angry. "I am tired of worrying! This just isn't fair. To be given crappy genes. Crummy parents(though I love them dearly), all kinds of misfortune including losing my mom and oldest brother and others and then to be expected to be nearly damn perfect or else I get to be dead forever or burn in hell forever? This is just bull$%*&. We are supposed to be apologizing to you all the time??? Maybe you ought to be apologizing to us! Oh and by the way, I am tired of having nightmares and angst dreams every single night.Sick and tired of the anxiety and the bad dreams, dammit!"

    And you know what? I felt this wonderful calm. I fell asleep and didn't have bad dreams. I felt at peace and didn't worry about my kids all day. I don't know, maybe it was the electrolite and vitamin packets I drank all day because I was sick. But I sure have felt better since I yelled at God this morning.

    I don't hold it against Jesus, though. I still look at him as a creature. I don't think he is God.


  • shamus

    Sorry; posted reply to wrong topic. I'm on crack.... just keep going...

  • avishai

    Oh, I don't hold it against him, if he existed. Crucifiction sux, no matter who you are. But to say he died for me? His suffering is any more valid than mine, or some kid in africa's? especially some kid that has to suffer his whole life, but goes to hell because he does'nt know Jesus?

  • shamus

    No kidding, Avashi.

    I didn't ask for it, nor want it for that matter. I think that Jesus is just a myth anyways. Probably just some nice guy, and, through the ages, he had folk-tales made up about him/her.

    Who says that christianity is the way anyways? It takes one hell of a lot more than a bible to convince me of that, I can say that much.

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