Have You Renounced Everything Jehovah's Witnesses Believe In?

by minimus 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Really no competition-----with anyone here. Yes, I agree with your comment, too about the teasing and know that only you were teasing but I couldn't have been.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I have to say I rather enjoy the banter between Minimus and his detractors, uh... playmates.

    That's a lot of fun.

    But to the question, yes, I've pretty much renounced everything they misguided me in. I still believe they taught us a lot of accurate history about the ancient Jews, but that could be wrong too; I don't think so though.

    And now it seems to me, the churches have had a much better understanding of Christianity all along. And of the nature of Jesus. Like hilarious Gumby, "I don't know who I'm talking to anymore" , but I believe it will become more clear in time; so I pray to Heavenly Father, and directly to Jesus, who, in unadulterated Bibles, is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the LAST, God.

    I'm comfortable using the name Jehovah, no problem with it, in conversation with Jehovah's Witnesses, but I do not in any way regard that to be the name God identifies with anymore, since He sent His Son to show the way. To BE the Way. Or He would have made certain that YHWH was preserved in the New Testament, just as certainly as He preserved His Word for us down to this day.

    I'm taking it slow. But it feels great.

  • minimus

    Seeit-----I enjoy the banter with my "playmates", too. .......I accept the Bible and obviously not everything that JWs teach is contrary to that BUT i agree that the spirit of the Witnesses is what kills the whole religion. JWs are simply conditioned to be judgmental. And the result is the religion is defective as a WAY OF LIFE.

  • simplesally

    No...........I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater............some things were true, some not.

  • CountryGuy

    I still believe in some of their teachings, but I've been out for a while. I'm just not sure if they still believe in them!


  • galaxy7

    I feel some of it is true.most of it isnt

    I believe all paths lead to god sooner or later

  • Plo Koon
    Plo Koon
    garybuss Feb 11, 2004

    Nope! I still don't beleive in hell, trinity, or immortality of the soul.

    Garybuss ---> I?m agree with you: I?m still don?t believe in the hell, in the trinity and the immortal soul ---> And a few little more.

  • shamus

    Yes, I absolutley do.


    100 percent

    All of it.

    Because what they taught were lies, and no organization like that can teach truth along with lies. Make sense? I hope it does to you, because it sure don't to me, heee haaaww...

  • FlyingHighNow
    is it safe to say that you reject everything that you were taught???

    No, not at all. I believe that the good and loving parts of the Bible are true. The: kill you if you don't love me theology of JWs and churches I do not agree with.

    I never believed in hell, trinity or: some of us go to heaven and the earth burns up theology either. Heck, I proved to myself when I was under ten years old that there was no trinity. A little story unto itself.

    I really hope that the earth will become a paradise filled with healthy, happy people from past and present. I hope we'll live forever in peace, too. I hope. I'm not sure; but I hope anyway.


  • wednesday

    i do not at this time accept the trinity doctrine. It just makes no sense to me. I do not accept hellfire, that is so obiviously an invention of man to punish and control other people. I'm not sure about the soul, but tend to believe they are right, afterall, if a deceased friend or relative could communicate with us in a clear way, wouldn't they? the big "A", still wondering about that. Paradise earth, still confused about that.

    I spent most of last sunday looking for a church in my area. They have a churchfinder web site and it allows u to find one that has the teacings u believe in. I was disappointed. All the christian religions believe in trinity and hellfire. I did find that the Methodist church seems fairly unoffensive and does declare it does not believe in hellfire. Even the Nondenonatioanl churches are trinty and hellfire believers. I found one ND church that did not believe in helllfire. The unitarian and univeralist churches accept all beliefs and say no one is right or wrong. They are just too way out for me. I did not check the 7th day adventist, but may. I already know the mormons are weird. And the new age religions are too far out for me to. When i took the test on belief.net i scorwed high on liberal protestents, quakers, Bahi, judism. How's that for a nice combo? So so far the methodist church looks like the best of what i've seen in my area. They get big points for not believing in hellfire.

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