The resurection of Christ AND others.

by Freddy Krueger 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Satan's homosexual? Damn! Now I am definitely changing my devil affiliation. I knew that snake reference was more then it seemed. I always thought he did that cause he was trying to impress Eve. Now I realize it was to IMPRESS ADAM!!!!

    Snake In The Grass HEY Big BOY!


  • shamus

    Hey Freddy,

    Now that you're out of the closet, you can use the word "fag". And because I'm a "fag" I can call you a "fag", you "fag".

    Oh wait, I gotta go sacrifice a mouse I just caught to my idol of satan.... and get another beer.

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Ok fag! Shamus, have one for me. I'm going to bed and then I'm going to see if I can shake up some nightmares. Maybe I'll visit you my love!

    Watch out, my blades are sharp, unless you're into that, then they're smooth as hell.

    Goodnight honey!

    Or should I quote my good friend "The Creeper" from Jeepers Creeper's - "Be eating You!"

    - Freddy

    P.S. - We are way off from this post, so if anybody else would ACTUALLY LIKE TO RESPOND TO MY ORIGINAL QUESTION much appreciated.

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    P.S. It's Krueger, Reborn! NOT Kreuger.

    My 2cents. You know I love ya! If not, I'm commin' for ya!


  • shamus

    You have to see the Southpark Episode when they swear on television to really get my joke. Mr. Garrison is calling everyone a faggot.

  • Reborn2002

    Freddy (rolls my eyes as I realize I can only address you by your username which is a horror film character)

    You misunderstood me. I was not criticizing your post in any way. You are correct. Your comments are still valid and open to discussion on this forum. This is a website which debates religious viewpoints, and yours are welcome just as much as anyone else. The point I was making was a matter of opinion. In my opinion, I found it humorous that a person who chooses to identify themself as Freddy Krueger the Satanic horror film mass murderer is discussing Christian scriptural beliefs. That's all. No more, no less. Don't read more into it than what is there.

    PS - Sorry about misspelling your name the first time. Won't happen again.

    PPS - Why do you remind me of a former poster here named MikeMusto? LOL That isn't you is it?

  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Actually, I did see that one, I didn't realize that's what you were referencing. I got it. Duh!


  • Freddy Krueger
    Freddy Krueger

    Reborn -

    No problem. No I am not the mike guy. The whole point of my image is shock value and humor. Definitely humor! Freddy Satanic however? Hmmmmm.... Evil? Yes. But then again evil by whose definition. Most of the people in those movies deserved to die anyway. Bunch of stupid teens usually. (Lol) Satanic? I would say..... nahhhhh. But then again, that's your opinion and that's what this is all about.

    Nice meeting you Reborn, will enjoy talking with you in the future.


  • Dawn

    I have read that scripture before and wondered about it myself. Personally, I don't think it's addressed much because there just isn't much written about it in the bible - and it leaves too many questions unanswered...

    1) Who were the "saints" that came out

    2) Did they go up to Heaven with Jesus?

    3) Did they walk around for 3 days waiting for Jesus to return from preaching to the fallen ones?

    4) Where were they before they came out of the grave? Were they "asleep/soul sleep" or were they waiting somewhere?

    5) How come the entire city didn't go into panic and more isn't written about it in other historical references - seems this would be a HUGE deal!

    It's almost like some major miracle that was completely covered up.......very weird! Hey - maybe that WAS Armageddon and that WAS the resurrection - and all of us are now in hell?? Hmmmmm

  • Carmel

    Jesus nails it at John 6:63


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