Millions of Galaxies in the Universe with billions of Stars so why?

by shotgun 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Recently a public speaker noted that the earth and humans are insignificant in comparison to the Universe with its millions of galaxies and billions of stars.

    My question to bible literalist's is..

    Why did God confine Satan and his Demons to the vicinity of the earth with so many other uninhabited options?

    Why not restrict them to Uranus with a bunch of meat puppets to beat up?

    They could have Demon races around the rings of Saturn or play tennis in a far off galaxy with a comet?

    If man is going to stay perfect for eternity with the Satanic influences removed, why not just remove them in the first place to see how man fares?

    If the bible is an accurate description of what God has done it's like putting a wolverine in a cage with your kids and poking it with a stick.

    What do you think Blind Zebra...makes you wonder..huh..huh

  • Elsewhere

    It's because life on earth is not the purpose of the universe. The universe is actually very hostile to life... we just happen to be in a little corner that is favorable to life.

    All the other stuff about Satan and demons is just hocus-pocus made up by desert nomads thousands of years ago because they did not understand how the natural world worked.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I'm still wondering how to tell the real stars from the satellites in orbit!!!

    Frannie B

  • shotgun

    Frannie..I'm not talking to you since that whole nude calendar incident...I near jumped out of my skin cause the volume was cranked on my computer.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Frannie..I'm not talking to you since that whole nude calendar incident...I near jumped out of my skin cause the volume was cranked on my computer.


  • ThiChi

    ""They could have Demon races around the rings of Saturn or play tennis in a far off galaxy with a comet?""

    LOL!! Too funny!!!

  • somebodylovesme

    Elsewhere - amen :)

  • RunningMan

    Well, it's obvious that you weren't listening at last year's district convention. It was very clearly pointed out that the reason that the moon exists is to be a nightlight for humans. As for the stars, it can be assumed that they are decorations in God's rumpus room.

  • shotgun

    Ok RM but still why not let them play Romper stomper doo on the other planets.

    They could circle around Uranus catching Klingon's for eternity.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    I took an astronomy course for an "easy" elective back in my college days, and I've never looked at the sky the same way again! The Universe is so vast that even one trained in the sciences can?t comprehend it. If I remember correctly, there are a hundred million stars in the average galaxy and there are literally billions of galaxies. There are supposed to be more stars in the heavens than there are grains of sand on the earth. Uh, try to comprehend that! And even if you could travel at the speed of light, 186,000 miles a second (that?s like seven times around the earth in a second) it would still take you at that speed five years to get to the nearest star, Alpha Centuri. And that star is considered by astronomers to be in our own backyard.

    Personally I think if there IS a plan that God has for man in the afterlife sense that is, is that we will be able to visit all these planets that must be orbiting around many if not most of the stars we see. Why else would he create it if not for us to have fun exploring it? We will never have the technology to travel at the speed of light (I guess never say never), in flesh form. But what if God?s plan when we die is to simply say, hey pick a route and go explore! I made it just for you. Also, whose to say that our dead loved ones haven?t been planted on these distant shores? I dunno. Maybe heaven is a cool planet rotating around a bright Star?

    Just a thought . . .


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