Grieving Woman Turns The tables By Door-Knocking Jehovah's Witness

by Bangalore 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore
  • wozza

    Well many years ago I remember being told from the platform that one way to expand the ministry is to loiter at cemetaries for grieving ones and approach them with a tract . They even had demonstrations on how this can be done tactfully at the theocratic ministry school ,and another way to contact grieving ones was suggested by reading the obituaries ,noting the names and using electoral rolls or phone books to find addresses to contact relatives by mail in those days.

    Experiences of success using these methods were given as experiences at conventions here in Adelaide South Australia. I used to wonder how I would handle this kind of preaching iff asked by the elders to participate, so this kind of thing has been around for a long time and could be the thing that happened in this case cited.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Writing letters to the loved ones of the newly departed, has been going on since the late 1960's that I am aware of. All sanctioned and encouraged by WT,


  • Je.suis.oisif

    Well this might out me, but just before my fade I was in a car with 3 eldubs from the congn. They were discussing a pioneer sister from another local NW UK congn. who stands outside chemists where people were coming & going fetching their medication prescibed from the doctor.

    She'd accost them with the words " Do you yearn for a time when mankind won't need medicine "?

    They all sat in the car cackling away between themselves. You can't make up this whole new level of bat s**t crazy. That poor lovely sister being really sincere, and here where men who were meant to be looking after her soul!

  • Diogenesister
    • They all sat in the car cackling away between themselves. You can't make up this whole new level of bat s**t crazy. That poor lovely sister being really sincere, and here where men who were meant to be looking after her soul.



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