Hailstone message.....June 23 WT

by mikeflood 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mikeflood

    New Jun 23 WT....elders to follow Gideon example, even if instructions doesn't seems practical, Gideon reduced army by 99 % and he obeyed, it could be changes in theocratic direction similar to this. What that means?

    Elders will need the courage to follow instructions "may relate to delivering a symbolic hailstone message...".

    In another section "major world events may raise some from spiritual slumber". And "we may lose with local branch or world headquarters...". ?

    Also "God's opposers will in some sense declare peace and security"

    The last (covering their tracks, as always), "whether we live through the great tribulation or die before"

  • HappyDad

    I remember over 30 years ago, Watchtower had the tract campaign where we delivered a new tract about every othe month. If I am correct, this was to continue until the "end". Hmmm, what happened to that message? Most likely, it was just psychological conditioning to keep us busy and not think about what we really could be doing with our time.

  • Hellothere

    This "symbolic hailstone message" we're given begining of 2000. Watchtower hade several yearly campaign. They didn't deliver watchtower, it was more small brochure. House to house. Remember elders saying from podium that probably Great tribulation would start soon. That government people would be receive brochure and will go against watchtower šŸ˜‚. Brochure we're about how useless Human government was and they would be wiped out soon.Not much happened. We'll many people and governments are coming after watchtower now. But they must made a mistake in interpretation of bible, cause watchtower Is not receiving any protection.

  • Journeyman
    New Jun 23 WT....elders to follow Gideon example, even if instructions doesn't seems practical, Gideon reduced army by 99 % and he obeyed, it could be changes in theocratic direction similar to this. What that means?

    I'm not sure if they're softening up the congregations for something specific they've already got planned, or just keeping their options open to do whatever they feel like doing at the time depending on how the winds blow in the near future, but it's clearly a change in the 'signals' being sent out, compared to GB1.0.

    Much less about those days of "make the truth your own" and "convince yourself", today is all about "whether you believe it or not - just do as you're told!"

    Hmmm, what happened to that message? Most likely, it was just psychological conditioning to keep us busy and not think about what we really could be doing with our time.

    I remember those tract campaigns. I think it's not only that, but it's a complete change of direction from the top.

    Since about 2010 or so, GB2.0 has taken the Org in a much more bizarre direction, although admittedly some of it is more in line with today's living (eg: more effort online, less in printed material). But all the turnarounds with adopting televangelism through the Broadcasting, Disney-fication of Bible stories (Caleb and Sophia cartoons, Bible story animations), creepy 'Christian' music, ditching or amending previous teachings to bring in their own (many of which consolidate their position, eg: making only themselves the FDS), making the GB (and favoured 'helpers') high-profile 'stars', grabbing congregation finances and Kingdom Halls, 'updating' the NWT, removing what remained of any actual study or scholarship in publications and meetings and making them video by-the-numbers sessions, giving up any attempt to 'reason' on the ministry in favour of playing video clips and pointing to the website ... the list goes on of ways the new GB have torn up their predecessors' 'legacy' (flawed as it was).

  • Hellothere
    Was listening too six Screen YouTube video broadcast this weekend. They we're talking about how watchtower are not looking for new members. Seems more like they wanna ditch members and organization. Been feeling that way for some years myself. Don't think last ten years craziness is by accident. Overlapping generation, GB giving talks, two years without meetings. Now lowering hours pioneers. Obey with out question. There's something strange with all this. Understand you can take wrong decisions some times. But year after year? Seems planned.
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    I think they just like to ratchet - down the control, bask in the limelight & enjoy it at the cost of the rank and file.

  • mikeflood

    It's kind of official : "How we will respond if we are asked to preach a hard-hitting judgement message and unbelievers oppose us?"

    It is a quote from WT July 2023....so the Borg is preparing the RF for a final message and then perhaps.... they're going to stop preaching

  • enoughisenough

    Rev 16:21 21 From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds,[a] fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible. ///is this the scripture they base the idea of them preaching a hailstone message? It cross reference to Job 38:22,23 which speaks about the store houses of snow and hail saved up for the time of distress, For the day of battle and war. ///I always took that literally rather than thinking anything we said would make a dent. It is just more conjecture for those still gullible to devour.

  • slimboyfat

    What would they do if the ā€œhailstone messageā€, when it comes, is that Godā€™s organisation itself needs a clear out? ā˜”ļø

  • smiddy3

    I say let them bring on a hailstone message to be delivered to the whole world .The sooner the better . Why?.

    Because once it`s been delivered there is no turning back.

    And when nothing happens over a period of time ,surely many ,many, more will wake up that it`s all a bullshit made up religion with no truth in it whatsoever.

    1914 and thereabouts was supposed to be the end of this system of things ,then speculation was rife during the second world war ,then the date of 1975 being 6000 years of human history ending according to WT chronology,and that wasn`t the first time they said that there was another date they they previously said the same thing. and it would be appropriate for the 1000 years rest day ,based on their 7000 year creative day to start.

    And not forgetting the end of the 20th century was another time when the end would/could come .

    And as always nothing ever happened .

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