144000 The numbers don't add up

by LevelThePlayingField 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    the covenant was not it effect until jesus died , nobody can stop you from eating and drinking at the memorial , they were pretty insulting tho for a long time , insisting only the 1914 gen were the real deal and all others were faking it for some reason or another . Now they have no choice but to leave people in peace , not sure what the SDA does ... so you are a theist but believe the bible is nonsense , what's that ? Paganism ?

  • waton
    the covenant was not it effect until jesus died

    ok, so would the partaking of the apostles have less of an effect at the last supper, than after, in subsequent celebrations ? (in the first passover after Pentecost, Peter was in prison, was freed, and there was no "Memorial" going on when he met up with the rest of them. bsw).

    No direct effect of Jesus' ransom death has ever been scientifically detected. Even wt concedes that newer aspirants to the 144 000 *might be even less perfect mentally than average, now that they imbibe of the symbols that are supposed to bring perfection. * on topic

    not sure what the SDA does ...

    neither am I, but since they and Mormons eschew alcohol,? At the marriage miracle, Jesus' wine was potentially pretty potent. ( The attendants did not want the guest getting any more drunk. [DWI laws in effect already for Charioteers then]?)

    so you are a theist but believe the bible is nonsense , what's that ? Paganism ?

    No, not Theist, but a Deist, as in Deism, belief in a creator (the universe did not make itself), but the creator does not fiddle with it since it's beginning, like performing rib removal and cloning, flooding it, confusing languages, changing the rotation of the Earth, sending beings to Earth to be killed, to satisfy a killer instinct.--- Thomas Paine , Age of Reason. ca. 18 00 CE, one of it's exponents. google it please.


    don't know what happened in prison with peter but that was part of the deal , jesus explained , the multitude on left and right , the ones that visit the apostles in jail , feed them when hungry and give them clothes would inherit the kingdom , so can't mean it's for everyone just on that scripture alone . It was the apostle paul that went over it for the new members on how and when to do it , he said you had to approve of yourself whether you are worthy of co ruler and to be unworthy and do it would get judgement from above . I don't know what they accuse you of now if you are second gen or not , don't know all the dogma involved with it , i just thought they meant the children of the 1914 gen but apparently it can be anyone during the end times part of the generation ...

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