What do they say about you now that you're out?

by ColdRedRain 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ColdRedRain

    Yesterday, I was on the phone with a friend I met while I was down in Florida. We had a nice long chat about how she doesn't feel as though she wants to be a JW anymore, and I gave her good guidence, and one of the peices of good guidence I gave her was "Do not worry about your reputation, your reputation is held in low esteem by people who are in themselves in low esteem." She then told me about how my reputation was slammed down in Florida. According to the Jw's down there, I'm not "Good association".

    Pretty much, in the congregations over there, I'm seen as an antichrist, a devil, a potential liberator person that turned on Jehovah and who's into all the vile things.

    Also I've heard that I am/have/done/been to/said/ an STD, a drug abuser, an alcoholic, a sex fiend, made my own religion (That's true, although it's a tounge in cheek thing.) and a Neo-Nazi sympathiser. (Imagine a guy that looks like this going into a Nazi meeting.)

    Ahh those poor dubbies... Anyways, what's your story?

    When I heard all of those rumors, I

  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma


    Uranus, Bacchus and Billy Ocean.

    Hell I'll join, where do I sign?

  • Nosferatu

    Hell, I don't really care about what they say about me. I've been out too long to care. When I was in, I was already labelled as bad association.

  • shera

    I have no idea and no offense to your question,but I don't give a poo!

  • kls

    I have been out a long time but my stupid still goes.Sometimes i will see his cult members and they do know who i am and how much i hate them,as they walk by me they won't even look at me, and that makes me feel very proud.I don't give a flying crap what they say.I beat the cult an for myself i won. KLS

  • shamus

    I could personally care less. They are far below me... although I would love to be a fly on the wall and see what they are whining about right now, LOL!

  • BluesBrother

    My last P.O, sat down with me when I was wavering.. "Lets face it, youre depressed, arn't yer" was his analysis. (said with great gusto ) A lot of help that would have been if I had been suffering depression !

    That is a lovely catch-all word for anything they do not want to understand, and an easy tag to put on to someone and stigmatise them .

    The family tell me I've gone mad

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Is it OK if you come to my house and have a nice dinner or a can of beer, or for my daughter to give your daughter a Christmass gift? Oh and I like this one: "is it Ok for you and your wife to come to our block party we have some high point beer.

  • Gopher

    Ahhh--CRR, you already have heard what they're saying about ME in Minnesota. I'm quite evil, you know!!

    Good for you that you encouraged your friend to know that she can have a really enjoyable life outside the organization. Inside the organization, you have to "keep up appearances" to keep your friends. Outside, your friends will be friends for who you are, and not by how "spiritual" you are judged to be.

    You neo-nazi sympathizer you! LOL.

  • dustyb

    i never knew what they said about me, if they even said anything at all. but they are sure trying to pressure me into staying at meetings. some people have been tellin me that i need to keep on goign to the kingdom halls, and that i need to show up more. a few of the boys put a front on and say its good to see that i'm there and when i extend my hand out to shake they just keep on walking by...(an elder or two). so who knows who knows.....

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