Remember traveling to the conventions

by Strawberryfieldsforever 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I also went to the NY convention in 1958 with relatives. I remember we had a bumper sticker (from the society) which advertised the convention. Not long after that, the Society stopped producing bumper stickers because of the possibility of vandalism. We also put the WT and Awake in the back window. It was fun to wave at other witnesses.


  • garybuss

    The trips were torture. My parents, my aunt and uncle and my brother and I all in a 1953 Chevy sedan. Hot summer, no airconditioning, stuck between stinking adults who were tired and pissed off. We traveled all the way to California, Denver and finally to New York in 1958. Two more years and I had my own car and I can't remember riding to another assembly with them.

    The trip was the best part. The assembly was EIGHT days long started at 9 am and got over at 10 pm. Heat, crap food, hard seats, boring talks about nonsense. It was sheer hell.

  • dustyb

    i just hated going to the actual assemblies. i always got sick at them (literally) because of the food, or the heat, or just everything.....

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    My memories of assemblies were same as others here, BAD. Long hours traveling, seating in the hot sun, looking forward to the dramas only! No walking in the halls, burritos that made my underdeveloped gastric system suffer, and the medicine tasting like cheese danishes. The cheap sodas, and my Father would really be pissed. I remember the majority of my beatings and bereatments occurred at assemblies.

  • Sassy

    My memories were actually pretty good from the assemblies.. especially the long distance ones. It gave us a chance to follow the brothers around we all had crushes on..

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Hard to believe we did that eight day thing. My family usually took a day off in the middle of it, I wonder if anyone else did. The Org could really crank out the material in those days, you'd go home with an armload of books.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I remember that my kids loved the motels, the swimming pool there and getting to go eat out afterwards. They especially liked it if they got to stay at the same motel as their friends. I would get up early and iron for them.I loved the clothing I bought or made for them. I actually brought the big ironing board with me sometimes. I could never sleep early. I'd watch TV until after midnight or look at the new release or my notes.

    I remember while riding on the interstates, the kids looking for other JWs and waving at them. Then they would also get the big rig trucks to blow their horns. I think they liked the trips, motels, eating out, going to the local stores and seeing friends. They liked walking around and volunteering. They liked the drama and new releases but were basically bored stiff with the talks.


  • drawcad_1

    I never had the enjoyment to attend an 8-day assembly (thank you Lord), the three day ones are bad enough. Why do I go through it every year, I think I am still in love with my wife! But, the feelings start to fail on day one of the same garbage every year.

  • Undecided

    We didn't have any girls our age in the local congregation and the assemblies were like a hunting trip. We were looking for girls or sitting with them the whole assembly. That was one of the main attractions for my brother and I.

    Ken P.

  • m0nk3y

    I'm sorry but if my parent had put up the magazines in the car window I am afraid I would have become rather famous, yes I would have been scattered all over the news worldwide "YOUNG BOY CUTS UP PARENTS INTO TINY BITS AND BURYS THE REMAINS IN THE CELLAR"

    "We were on our way to a Jehovahs Witness convention, it was suppose to be about fun, I don't understand what went wrong" A close friend stated after this gross crime was commited by this minor.

    Truely I say to you I can think of nothing more embaressing to me than displaying magazines in the car window .. it was bad enough that we had to go at all.

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