Political Correctness and Censorship / Banning Books

by TerryWalstrom 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • em1913

    I think there's a big difference between actual censorship and not teaching a book in a class. When you're taking books off library shelves and burning them for political reasons -- as was done in the United States during the 1950s -- that's censorship. If a teacher chooses not to teach "Huckleberry Finn," that doesn't affect my ability to reach for my own copy and read it any time I want to . I have "Mein Kampf" on my shelf (right next to Marley Cole's "JWs The New World Society," ha ha ha) and can read it any time I want to. I used to have Henry Miller's "Tropic of Cancer" on my shelf until I read it and realized how much it sucked, so I threw it away. That's not censorship, that's having good taste in fiction.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    redvip2000 - I wouldn't dream of stopping him.
    em1913 - agree totally.
  • TerryWalstrom

    I'm not sure very many students even READ A BOOK at all any longer. I'm serious.
    The smartphones and tablets have probably made much of private reading of Literature obsolete (not that it was ever THAT popular among kids).

    I think most Censorship comes from peremptory calls for shutdown and blocking on social sites, Twitter, YouTube, Patreon, etc.

    The idea that we need a bureaucracy to determine which speech is free only creates a worse problem: WHO makes those determinations?
    Bureaucracy multiplies ad nauseum and you'd never muster more than a 50/50 vote--so it would be summarily executed by one political ideology over another.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy
    TerryWalstrom 5 years ago
    I think most Censorship comes from peremptory calls for shutdown and blocking on social sites, Twitter, YouTube, Patreon, etc.
    Bureaucracy multiplies ad nauseum and you'd never muster more than a 50/50 vote--so it would be summarily executed by one political ideology over another.
    The idea that we need a bureaucracy to determine which speech is free only creates a worse problem: WHO makes those determinations?

    And here we are, 5 years later.

    BANNED: Book by Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

    Amazon nukes it! Though Audible Audiobook might still be living in a cave, as it's still available there.


    'I strongly suspect that the banning of our book from Amazon has the fingerprints of Biden administration or intelligence agency goons all over it.'

    Which raises the question, how many days till this site is banned of free speech?

  • NotFormer

    LoveUniHateExams: "There are plenty of classic films of the 70s and 80s that wouldn't get made today because someone, somewhere, would find it 'problematic' (Jesus, I hate that word)."

    Try making Blazing Saddles today! Mel Brooks has said as much.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    I just received the following message from Amazon:

    We reviewed a recent decision to remove “THE COURAGE TO FACE COVID-19” and found that it was removed in error. We apologize for the inconvenience this caused.

    Who knows what prompted this reversal, but I’d like to thank my valiant co-author, Dr. Peter McCullough, for swinging into action with his usual John Rambo elan and talking to many people who might have helped us.

    I’d also like to thank Tony Lyons, President and Publisher of SKYHORSE, who also gallantly manned the phone yesterday talking to free speech advocates on our behalf.

    A special thanks to our Substack readers for sharing my posts about this censorship incident far and wide.

    We are also extremely grateful to everyone who bought our book from our website in a generous and touching show of support.

    Finally, because I have always believed in accepting an olive branch when it is offered, I accept Amazon’s apology for the inconvenience.

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