Awake! says we can pray in Jesus' name!!!

by Leolaia 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greatteacher

    through jesus christ's name...amen

  • Joysome

    I just don't know why every is so adamant in finding mistakes and fault with the organization. Things change. Things improve. I mean think about how many things were believed years ago and today we think what were we thinking. Not even just saying religiously but in life in general. I mean I know a lot of you may have been truly unhappy. But I do still believe that the organization was truly loving and caring and put the congregation first. How many religions today can you say that about? I'm not here to preach to people. It's just frustrating that people are so down on the organization. We all have our rights to do what we feel best for ourselves. Right?

  • Pleasuredome

    I just don't know why the organization is so adamant in finding mistakes and fault with everyone else. But I do still believe that the congregations were truly unloving and disloyal to put the organization first. How many religions today can you say that about? It's just frustrating that the organization are so down on people. We all have our rights to do what we feel best for ourselves. Right?

    "in another way, from another point of view"

  • Gopher
    I just don't know why every is so adamant in finding mistakes and fault with the organization.

    Mainly because they've been so arrogant about being "God's only channel" and also in dismissing everyone who varies even slightly from their doctrines. They also discourage any honest conversation about their teachings.

    In my personal experience, the organization has been extremely adamant about finding mistakes and faults with individuals. There is no mercy in judicial meetings (unless you are well-liked or else you grovel and thus play into their so-called representation of God in those meetings).

    And also they are adamant about finding mistakes and faults in every other worldly organization (be it religious, political or commercial) other than the United Nations who they have cozied up with.

    They started this game of nitpicking and faultfinding with everyone who differs from them. They ought to be able to take the heat of honest replies and scrutiny.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses really have the truth, it should be able to stand up to scrutiny.

    If they say one thing in 1969 and then something totally different in 1985, they should get called on it.

  • Joysome

    "If Jehovah's Witnesses really have the truth, it should be able to stand up to scrutiny." (I don't know how to do the copy where you can tell that I'm doing a quote. Scoozi.)

    Haven't they? I mean no other religion gets more scrutiny. And yet they still stand. Steadily increasing.

  • joenobody


    I sense that you are sincerely stating that JWs stand up to scrutiny. I think if you honestly feel this way, you ought to do some research. Perhaps look the Quotes website which contains quotes from WT publication without extra editorializing.

    I think you might they don't stand up to scrutiny by their own documentation.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome Joysome!

    I think you shouldn't take this too bad. We're just having some fun about something that caused to many of us immense pain, as you understood. And in the fun some serious points do appear, as the role of the WT organization setting itself between "Christians" and "Christ". Perhaps every Christian organization does that to some extent, but the WT is very caricatural at it (as in many other matters).

    One thing is sure, when you're in you don't have anymore "your right to do what you feel best for yourself". Or you have to pay it at the tremendous cost of being shunned by everyone you love -- including your own family. This I say from firsthand experience.

    Take care,


  • ARoarer

    I never understood the WT teachings against cannonizing saints. Don't they do the same thing with the 144000

  • Gopher


    The growth rate of JW's is not increasing as rapidly as it did before the Internet was available.

    Now if people get called on by the JW's, they can go to their PC, type "Jehovah's Witnesses" or "Watchtower" into a search engine, and get exposed to hundreds of sites with facts about JW's such as this one.

    If the JW's and their version of "truth" could stand scrutiny, then why do they instruct their members to not look at any printed information about spirituality other than their own? Why do they warn their members that websites (such as this one) are evil?

    It's because their teachings don't stand up to scrutiny!

    Any numerical growth now comes only from people who don't have access to this information.

  • simwitness
    I just don't know why every is so adamant in finding mistakes and fault with the organization

    Because here, in this forum, people are free to discuss and question the doctorines of the WTBS. More importantly, here members are free to disagree OPENLY with such doctorines.

    The WTBS has a long standing history of disfellowshipping people for questioning it's "authority" on doctrines such as this...

    And, as others have stated, they brought this scrutiny on themselves by stating that they are "God's Spokesperson"... if that were the case, then doctrines, such as this one, should not change over the course of time... this would, IMHO count as one of those "truths" that is not a conciense matter.


    Haven't they? I mean no other religion gets more scrutiny. And yet they still stand. Steadily increasing

    You would need to check the records for the "Steadily Increasing" part. I think if you honestly look at it, they are "barely holding on" and are largely decreasing.

    But largely they ignore the external scrutiny, and primarily they completely silence all internal scrutiny, this is not, IMHO, "standing up to scrutiny"... Ignoring it or silencing it is not the answer.

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