Awake! says we can pray in Jesus' name!!!

by Leolaia 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    According to this, Jesus is not just the mediator of the 144,000 -- he's the mediator of mankind!! And apparently "Dear Jesus" prayers are okay! The Watch Tower says I can say, "Dear Jesus, you are my mediator as you are for all mankind..."

    "The Bible clearly says that Jesus Christ is mankind's redeemer, so he is mankind's mediator. Therefore, our prayers should be addressed to God through, or in the name of Jesus. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) This being the case, there is absolutely no Biblical reason why men should canonize saints or pray to them." (Awake!, July 8, 1969, p. 24)

    I wonder how long after this was printed that the WT published a retraction?


  • joenobody

    I think you've misunderstood what the have said...

    They mean you should add the little "In Jesus name..." routing instruction at the end of your prayer.

  • RunningMan

    Yes, you're not allowed to pray to Jebus himself - only to God, through the office of Jesus. He's kind of the Fedex for prayers, but not the recipient.

    However, their comments about cannonizing and praying to humans are astounding. This is totally inconsistent with their teaching.

  • Leolaia

    Oh, I see, it's been many many years since I prayed as a Witness, I forgot they did that. But I ask a more serious question: What does it really mean to say "in Jesus' name, Amen" at the end of prayers? If the doctrine is that Jesus is not the mediator of the 144,000, would that not mean that dubs are not allowed to say "in Jesus' name" unless they are anointed? Why are they allowed to address God in Jesus' name when he is not their mediator? Is it because it is too controversial to insist on praying "in the F&DSC's name, Amen"???

  • Englishman
    Therefore, our prayers should be addressed to God through, or in the name of Jesus.

    So you can actually say: "Dear Jesus, please ask God to....."

    That's pretty cool, a bit like getting your Mum to wheedle some extra pocket money off Dad on your behalf.

    How about the forgiveness thing? You know, dear Jesus please don't tell God, but I ......


  • RunningMan

    I believe that the annointed lend us some status, because we are helping out "Christ's Brothers", and being the pathetic creatures that we are, due to our proximity to the annointed, some of their mediation rubs off on us. Sort of like the way that they allow us to read the Bible, even though it was written strictly for the annointed. It makes about as much sense as the presence of Jesus, who has not yet come, or the invisible war.

    Here's the real question: can we play God and Jesus against each other. "But God, Jesus said I could fornicate."

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas that a flopping sound I hear coming from Brooklyn?

    Oops! NO, IT ISN'T - that Quote was taken from a 1969 publication.

    Resume your original stances, please...

  • Gopher


    You evil apostate. You're supposed to fall down and worship when you read truths printed in Awake magazine. Don't you know that Jehovah himself is its editor??

    Now you've got people thinking that the WTS is confused, because it has printed that Jesus is the mediator for ALL MANKIND, when later it said he is the mediator only of the Kingdom for those in the "Kingdom Covenant", i.e., the anointed.

    Don't you know that the "Christian" thing to do is recognize that what was printed in 1969 was old light?

    Obviously, Jehovah, I mean the organization --- changed his, I mean "its" mind. C'mon, follow the heavenly chariot as it zig-zags on its course!!

    Now, apparently, you and I must pray "in the name of the faithful slave, amen".

  • simwitness

    But there is a more recent quote that specifically states that Jesus is not the mediator for all mankind, correct?

    If so, wouldn't this be a more impressive bit of new vs. old light? Especially considering that htey "realized" the seperate classes (annointed vs. other sheep) in 1935?

  • undercover
    "The Bible clearly says that Jesus Christ is mankind's redeemer, so he is mankind's mediator. Therefore, our prayers should be addressed to God through, or in the name of Jesus. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) This being the case, there is absolutely no Biblical reason why men should canonize saints or pray to them." (Awake!, July 8, 1969, p. 24)

    Watchtower August 15, 1989 Questions From Readers

    ?The people of all nations who have the hope of everlasting life on earth benefit even now from Jesus? services. Though he is not their legal Mediator , for they are not in the new covenant, he is their means of approaching Jehovah.?

    Worldwide Security 1986, p10 The Desire for Peace and Security Worldwide ?Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.?

    Okay, which is it?

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