In Other Words..............dead

by simplesally 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu
    awaiting the resurrection

    ( is it that supposed non-entities could wait, anyway?)

    Leave it to Blondie to pull out her Thesaurus of Idioms CD...

    Y'know, at the beginning of the thread I was glancing thru the quick lists, and at one post I found myself wondering, "Gee, I've never heard of 'Englishman' used as an idiom for death before...."


  • missylissy

    gone belly up - from finding nemo

    maybe that only works for fish?


  • wannaexit

    Licked the dust

    passed on

  • blondie
    Leave it to Blondie to pull out her Thesaurus of Idioms CD...

    Sorry, bebu, I was verifying one and all those popped out on the same Google site.

    Y'know, at the beginning of the thread I was glancing thru the quick lists, and at one post I found myself wondering, "Gee, I've never heard of 'Englishman' used as an idiom for death before...."

    Bebu, I thought that too.

    Blondie (whose spirit has not gone to a better place yet)

  • HoChiMin

    Shit The Bed

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Bebu I refuse - just refuse to try to explain WT doctrine on that one I certainly recall hearing it but you are right "How would they do that?

  • freeman

    He or she has assumed room temperature.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Taking a dirt nap.

    Sleeping with da fishes.

    Bagged a bullet.

    Took a long walk off a short pier (or is that for telling someone to go away?)


  • undercover

    I can't believe a bunch of ex-JWs haven't said

    awaiting the resurrection

    Asleep in death.

    Lying in sheol.

    In Jehovah's memory.

  • r51785

    "Bought the farm"

    This was an expression used during WWII, especially among aviators. When a GI died his family received his life insurance of $10000 which enabled them to pay off the mortgage on the farm. Hence by his dying he "bought the farm."

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