Watchtower/Bethelite Volunteers and US Self Employment or FICA Tax?

by EnlightenedEphesian 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • EnlightenedEphesian

    With so many aging Bethelites being "laid off" after years of volunteer service, what hope do they have of collecting any Social Security Retirement?

    I ask because I recently learned that my mother will not receive any government retirement benefits because she did not work enough to collect the 40 credits required. This got me to thinking about Bethel volunteers. I've seen threads on here about how Watchtower has let them go and now they must fend for themselves financially. Has Watchtower had to pay any FICA tax on these individuals? I checked the IRS Website, but it's complicated to determine if a church must pay these. In some cases they do, but in other cases, it is up to the individual to pay Self Employment Tax instead or some can even request to waive paying the tax altogether. Of course, this determines what if any Social Security Retirement an individual will receive.

    Do those volunteers who are retirement age or close to it have any hope of collecting Social Security Retirement? Does anyone know for sure if Watchtower pays taxes towards this? Are these volunteers just SOL?


    Are these volunteers just SOL?



    WatchTower`s JW Retirement Plan..

    Image result for screwed

  • dropoffyourkeylee
    To my knowledge they do not pay into Social Security, and the WT does not contribute either. I <think> that is why the Bethelites take a 'Vow of Poverty' and become members of the 'Special Order of Full Time Servants' or something like that. It is similar to a monk in a monastery. This is how the WT avoids paying into FICA and into Worker's Comp.
  • _Morpheus

    Drop off your key is correct. Bethelites are joined to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    When I entered Bethel, 48 years ago, the first thing put upon me and the other newbies was filling out SS forms, as I recall, along the lines of what's discussed here. It was written acknowledgement of our receiving benefits; how we filled it out, I don't recall.

    We received room and board; a monthly stipend of 14 dollars and travel allowance, up to 6 dollars; a yearly clothing allowance of, I think, some 75 dollars.

    There was a clothes barrel that was well scrounged through by many of us poor guys, et al. Got a really cool retro-double breasted tweed suit.

  • blondie

    Wives can in many cases file against their husband's social security benefits.

    If a Bethelite worked before and accrued social security credits they can work and accrue more up to 40 credits per year (FT). Ray Franz worked from 60 to 70 and he collected SS and his wife collected against her husband's benefits.

  • baker

    The sad part is the society didn't promote retirement in this system but the next system, where there will be peace and security for 1000 years, not like the Scieftologist who make you sign a vow for 1 billion years, how ridiculious...

  • baker

    Spellchecker error, Scientologist.

  • steve2

    Please stop it now. Sympathy and sadness are wasted on ex-Bethelites.

    For generations, they've been made redundant and let go. This is not new - although the numbers being booted out is likely higher than usual.

    Those remaining at Bethel have hardly cared about those leaving, probably relieved it wasn't them. Too scared to offer support lest they be considered next in line. This is an organization where survival is the name of the game. Watch your back, baby!

    If this were the very first batch of Bethelites given the boot, I'd be sympathetic. But it isn't. There is a long enough history of this happening for anyone with half-a-brain at bethel to wonder if they'll be next.

  • LongHairGal

    STEVE 2:

    I agree and that's not all.

    When the Twin Towers collapsed on 9/11 and the death toll became known, it was said that some Witnesses also died in the disaster.....A rumor then circulated that some bethelite (or bethelites) made a very callous remark "that's what they get for not being out in the ministry" or words to that effect.

    I would like to hope that the person or persons who may have said things like this have already been among those fired from bethel. How can I feel any pity for anybody who not only has no idea that the average person has to work, but who actually has contempt for the very people who were contributing to their free ride at bethel?

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