Any thoughts or suggestions........

by sarahj 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sarahj

    Hi, just wanted to introduce myself, I am 28 and from London and I am looking for some opinions. I have family that are JW's and in my late teens I began bible studies. I came close to baptism but was too scared about what I thought I would be giving up if I took that path. 10 years on and I have started wondering about the decision I made and whether it was the right one. I suppose the obvious choice would be to talk to my family about how I am feeling but I am scared to get their hopes up unnecessarily - they would be delighted if I returned to the truth (is it still called that?!) I see the world today and it just all seems so hopeless, there really doesn't seem to be an obvious solution to the increasing problems and, well, it just gets me thinking about the JW way of life.

    I have lots of feelings & thoughts about this at the moment and there are complications that I feel prevent me from returning to the truth, I don't want to type them all up here as I may come across as neurotic and self obsessed!!

    This seems like a friendly place and any thoughts or opinions on this would be welcome.

  • calamityjane


    Stick around here long enough and you'll see that you made the right decision many years ago.

    returned to the truth (is it still called that?!)

    Yes they still call it that, but stay awhile to find out the truth about the truth.


  • Valis

    welcome sarah...I would rather be nuerotic and self obsessed than be quilt burdened by a bunch of old fogies on the stage or in a judicial committee meeting, or during a local needs talk. Everyone has doubts and thoughts that maybe "the truth" is where they should be. How easy a thing it would be to fall back into the routing of three meetings a week, no way to express concern or question biblical interpretation or the JW belief system? Especially as a woman, could you subject yourself to the male dominated authority of the Jehovahs Witness faith? Stick around and read the experiences. As well, have a look at this thread and read carefully. AND welcome again.


    District Overbeer

  • stillajwexelder

    I see the world today and it just all seems so hopeless, there really doesn't seem to be an obvious solution to the increasing problems and, well, it just gets me thinking about the JW way of life.

    That is JW indoctrination and is what they want you to think - -stick around and see all the threads on how the world is actually getting better if you look closely and not through JW tinted eye-glasses

  • dustyb

    heh, one of the biggest teachings is that the world is becoming hopeless. but if you look at history, the world has become much much more civilized and sophisticated. for instance in the US we've always had cowboys shooting indians, whites hanging blacks, blacks starting gangs and selling crack cocaine (hehehee) and all these other problems in the past, but the US has gotten equal rights for everyone. the cowboys quit shooting the indians and the whites quit hanging blacks. thats just evidence right there that the world is getting better =) (btw thats just very very short sweet history from the US).

  • Huxley

    You made the right choice. If the world is truly getting worse, (and I don't think it is in all ways...) then is it better to be honest and say, "I don't have all the answers." Or is it better to have a 'Pie in the sky' idea like the 'New System' and not work on changing anything now? Help people now, don't wait for the almighty Destructo god to make everything all better. Huxley. oh yeah, Welcome!

  • Draconian

    I know the local police force were screaming for a bigger budget but crime and murders actually went down that year. Don't believe the people who say the world is getting worse and worse and wars and calamities are increasing. It was not just the WATCHTOWER magazine of the JW's giving that impression, it was also Armstrong's PLAIN TRUTH magazine (do they still have those?)

    Let's look at it objectively. Compared to an ignorant shepherd of 3,000 years ago, you

    1) live twice as long with that young 300-year-old medical system that really works

    2) can't be pushed around by a king, drafted, or sent to war so easily

    3) are ten times as educated in mandatory primary and secondary schools and can even go further (that is if you're not a JW)

    4) are twenty times cleaner

    but according to the JWs God spoke to those guys covered in sheep droppings but won't speak to you because "you're not pure enough". So enough about the "good old days" already. Seems to me the more strongly Christianity is in control of people like in the Dark Ages, the worse things are.

  • garybuss

    Some of us think we made the wrong choice by having parents.

    I hope you think as long and hard about your religion as you do about buying a car. The payments for the Watch Tower religion never end you know.

  • Gopher

    Hi Sarah,

    Welcome to the forum. Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" by former Governing Body member Raymond Franz? It was the turning point for many folks on this board, including me.

    The JW's are merely another man-made religion, making ideas up as they go in response to external pressures (not including anything called "holy spirit"). To subject yourselves to them is to give yourself over to be ruled by a group of corporate men. That's good enough for some people, but hopefully not for you.

    I too miss my family (actually because of JW rules they aren't allowed to talk to me now, isn't that loving??) but you know, you have to move on with people who care about you and will treat you as a human regardless of whether you agree with their beliefs. Blood should be thicker than water, but it isn't with the JW's. Their religion will arbitrarily replace a natural family with their artificial one.

    Read this site, read, and read "Crisis of Conscience". The more you read, the firmer you will be in your decision (whichever way you go).

    Jeff a.k.a. Gopher

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D


    Hi, nice to have you here

    Gopher's and others points were valid in that you should do a good amount of research before even thinking about becoming a JW.

    Many here would be envious of you being young and never having been indoctrinated into the Watchtower.

    Reading CoC is a great start.

    Posting all of your self absorbed thoughts here isn't a bad idea as well. It's good to vent. You may be surprised how many here can share the same feeling that you are going through.

    Personally, I dissassociated myself last fall because I found too many problems with the JW's.

    I was a JW for 20 years, now I have to start my life alll over again, and my marriage is currently on shaky ground because of leaving the JW cult.

    Once you know the truth about the Troof, it will be an easy decision for you I believe.



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