"The Truth"

by Ding 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    Regarding doctrine issues, it seems to me that the following are what JWs hold onto the most in concluding they are "in the truth":

    1. Emphasis on the name "Jehovah"

    2. Kingdom emphasis

    3. No Trinity

    4. No hellfire

    5. No war.

  • smiddy3

    1. Emphasis on the name "Jehovah"

    And yet the 1st edition of "Aid To Bible Understanding" claimed that Yahweh was probably the more accurate pronunciation of God`s name but the GB settled on the name JEHOVAH because it was the most popular name in use ?

    In use by whom I ask ? why christendom of course ?

    So they just followed christendom`s religions and not what was the more accurate pronunciation.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    The truth will set you free

    Yep--it did me--40 years ago.

  • truth_b_known

    Jeffro hit the nail on the head - there is a big difference between "I know" and "I believe". Jehovah's Witnesses can never say "I know" due to there on systematic retconning of belief they have titled "New Light". I know if a fact proven with evidence. If the evidence changes it was never fact and therefor not truth.

    The first commandment of the Watchtower is - Thou shalt publicly affirm whatever we tell you is true as truth and whatever we told you that was not truth as old understanding.

  • TonusOH

    I like the idea that the JWs call God by a nickname.

    In any case, "The Truth" is a broad and context-dependent term. When we refer to the truth of a matter, we are likely referring to known facts. But we can also use the word to refer to how we interpret a situation, such as the classic "you know it's the truth," used to try to convince someone to see things a different way.

    JWs are claiming that they have the correct facts about God- who He is, what He wants, Why he wants it, How he intends to act, and so on. In this, they're like any other religion. They do seem to really harp on it, though. I think it is another of those mantras that they want the rank-and-file to keep repeating, so that it sinks in ever deeper. It's another way to isolate people- if you are convinced that the JWs have the truth, then you have nowhere else to go.

  • punkofnice
    "The Truth"

    It's verbal trickery. Weasel words. The term is used to convince the user that the Watchtower(tm) is correct.

    I think it used to be called NLP. Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviours. A propaganda technique.

    How can you be 'in' the 'truth'?

    that's why I never say 'when I was in the truth.' I will say 'when I was in the cult.'

  • Ding

    TonusOH said, "if you are convinced that the JWs have the truth, then you have nowhere else to go."

    I think that's why a lot of JWs stay in the organization despite all its obvious errors.

    They think everything else is worse so there is nowhere else to go.

  • Ding


    I have an XJW friend who used to say to other '"apostates", "So, how long were you in..." The expected her to say "the truth."

    Instead she said, "So, how long were you in the lie?"

    They'd be shocked, but she'd ask, "You don't still believe it's the truth, do you?"

  • punkofnice

    I think the book that really helped me was 'combatting cult mind control' Steven Hassan. It explained how cults use words to mentally enslave people.

  • Ding


    I have a JW friend who thinks he has researched theological issues deeply himself.

    He really doesn't realize he believes what he does because the WT has indoctrinated him to believe it via language, repetition, and selective quoting of sources.

    I hate to think how similar I was back in the day when I accepted things simply because the WT asserted them to be true.

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