Finland, Turku - JW killed in attack

by darkspilver 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • darkspilver

    NOW CONFIRMED - FYI following my post yesterday here:

    It has now been confirmed via

    Attack in Turku, Finland

    We are deeply saddened to inform you that one of our dear sisters was killed in an attack that took place in Turku, Finland, on Friday, August 18, 2017. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends along with the friends and families of the other victims who were affected by this senseless act of violence. We can all take comfort from Jehovah God’s promise to rescue us from violence and to resurrect all those precious in his eyes. - Psalm 72:14

    Some have mentioned that the JW was 'on the ministry' with a JW Cart when she was attacked and killed - and the Finnish news story I linked to yesterday mentions something along those lines (she "was in the market sharing brochures") - though the very brief news item above makes no reference of this.
  • steve2

    It is natural and normal for grieving people to express belief in a comforting message - and I do not belittle people's tendency to do this when tragedy strikes. That said, it is far from rare for religious people to utter completely illogical, if not patently untrue sentiments, as JW org does in the above quote which says, "We can all take comfort from Jehovah God's promise to rescue us from violence..."

    I'm sorry that this woman's grieving relatives and friends have to read about their God rescuing "us" from violence, when clearly in this instance this woman was not at all rescued from violence.

    Does anyone proof read or check this sort of tripe before it's published? It is one hingvto express hope in the life hereafter, quite another to state your god rescues you from violence. On earth, you are as vulnerable as anyone else, believer or not.

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    I agree with you Steve, clearly God quite blatantly does not rescue people from violence as this death shows, even those who claim to be doing work for him. The JW myth in fact is that god is not going to spare billions of people in a mass violent death orgy at Armageddon.

    In reality God never does do anything at all, he never has and he never will.

    However, we can commiserate with those like the family of this woman who have lost a loved one.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Remember the famous jw disclaimer; "jehober protects us as an ORGANIZATION, not as individuals!" Sure as sh*t!

    just saying!


    Killed for faithfully carrying out an unfaithful false cults mandate !

  • mrmagic

    So sorry about her being killed :( And I see it as a slap in the face to her and her grieving family and friends to say that "Jehovah God rescues us from violence. As if to say she was not a true Jehovah's Witness or was not fully accepted by god in order to be protected or rescued.

  • darkspilver

    FYI, below are two pictures - the first is a news picture from after the attack, and the second one is from Google StreetView of the same view, but showing a location of the Carts that the JWs have used.

    The WT may be playing down the 'Cart' aspect in order to not 'spook-the-flock'.

    Google StreetView link:

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    So sorry to hear about this.

  • darkspilver


    Featured on the front page of the Finnish Åbo Underrättelser newspaper with full article over the whole of page 2 - via Google Translate

    They thank for the support

    Åbo Underrättelser, Thursday 24 August 2017

    The controversial society lost a member of the knife attack on Friday.

    On the western corner of Salutorg Square, Turku grows the sea of ​​flowers and candles in memory of those murdered in Friday's violence. Tim Renvall, resident of Pikis in St. Karins, knows the place well.

    Like one of Friday's victims, a member of Jehovah's Witnesses church in Kyrö, he himself has been in the corner of society's journals and literature.

    "The last time I stood here was the Tall Ships Races," says Renvall, when the ÅU meets him and Jim Knief at Salutorget.

    ÅBOBON Knief is a member of Jehovah's Witnesses Finnish Assembly in Österås. Renvall is a member of the Swedish assembly in Turku, which also includes members of society in Pargas.

    They tell us that when Friday's knife attack rolled up in the media they reacted like everyone else.

    "I called to check that my daughter was with her mate, then to relatives and friends," said Knief.

    WITH the first pictures from Salutorget, there was also concern, says Renvall.

    - I recognized the place, and on one picture one could see that a victim was a woman in skirt. Clearly you thought it could be one of us.

    When it was clear that this was the case, Renvall and Knief started calling friends in the parishes to make sure they were safe.

    They did not know the victim personally, but Jehovah's Witnesses are a fused society and the murder a hard blow.

    It is common for people to hang out over parish boundaries, says Knief.

    "We usually play football and bobble together with friends. We feel we are close together.

    RENVALL tells us that after Friday's violent acts, those who tend to be out among people to spread the message of society have gathered to talk about what happened.

    Members have comforted and encouraged each other.

    "We have asked questions and we have talked about the fact that this is a traumatic issue and that there is no wrong way to respond," says Renvall.

    Have you changed your opinion about standing in Salutorget?

    - No. I think, after all, that it was not directed at us. The Bible also teaches that unpredictable events can occur.

    In society, members have reacted to the knife attack in different ways, says Renvall, but no one has questioned that Jehovah's Witnesses should continue to be out among people.

    FASTER, society has increased its presence among people because overall feedback has been positive.

    "It is popular among community members to stand outside. In addition, we easily recognize each other in Jehovah's Witnesses when we move in other countries, "Knief says.

    EVERYTHING Knief, society has also received a lot of support from the rest of society.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a controversial movement. Therefore, it is extraordinary that people showed their participation, he says.

    HOW do you interpret violence as it is on Friday if you compare with the social debate currently under way?

    "Our vision differs from the rest of society. We believe that we live in the last days of evil and that the murder of this battle, but also all other devastation, is a sign of it, "says Renvall.

    KNIEF flies in that, although their interpretation of the Bible is nothing but the ongoing discussion of immigration, police resources and legislation, Jehovah's Witnesses appreciate the police's efforts for law and order.

    - Therefore we pay taxes. Our religion does not allow us to prejudice anyone.

    Is there anything in your faith that makes you handle these things better than others?

    - Both yes and no. There are certainly people who are trained to do this, but the Bible gives us comfort. It is an additional support, "said Renvall.

    "But we are not robots," Knief said.

    WHEN Jehovah's Witnesses stand out with their magazines and literature, they never take the initiative to talk to people. The conversation is always started by someone else.

    Neither Renvall nor Knief have been involved in unpleasant situations, but the community has given instructions on how to act if they occur.

    "Will it be suddenly serious, then we leave. The magazine and literature shelves are not important in such a situation. First of all, we try to calm down potentially violent people by talking to them, "says Renvall.

    "But we will not get up and scratch but try to keep a positive tone," Knief says.


  • darkspilver

    FYI - Confirmation from WT that the JW lady who was murdered was a pioneer who was "engaging in metropolitan public witnessing" - that's the 'specially organised' cart-witnessing and NOT the standard local congregation cart-witnessing.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses Offer Comfort After Attack in Turku, Finland

    JWorg, Monday , September 4, 2017

    HELSINKI — On Friday afternoon, August 18, 2017, one of our sisters was killed in Finland in what is being investigated as an act of terrorism targeting women. In addition to our sister, the perpetrator killed one other woman and injured eight people in an attack that took place in a market square in Turku, a city on Finland’s southwest coast. Immediately after the attack, representatives from the Finland branch office, the local circuit overseer, and local elders provided comfort and support to those affected by the tragedy.

    Veikko Leinonen, a spokesman at the branch office in Finland, states: “This is a very tragic and shocking event. We are especially saddened that one of our dear pioneer sisters was killed in this random attack while engaging in metropolitan public witnessing. We know that, despite all precautions, it is not always possible to prevent ‘unexpected events,’ including acts of violence and terror. However, we continue to comfort one another, particularly the family of the sister who was killed. Our prayer is for Jehovah to grant inner peace to those who are grieving this painful loss. We will also continue to take practical steps and not allow undue anxiety to overtake us while moving forward with our witnessing efforts.”—Ecclesiastes 9:11; Romans 15:13; Philippians 4:6, 7.

    To provide emotional and spiritual comfort, the branch office sent a letter to all congregations in Finland. The branch also organized a special meeting to provide encouragement for the 135 brothers and sisters who assist with the metropolitan public witnessing in Turku. The pioneers have shown a courageous spirit and are eager to continue public witnessing.


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