New Watchtower Propaganda and hate speech destroying families (Feb 2016 WT)

by Daniel1555 105 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • fastJehu

    As I can remember - in the past they "advised" the parents about DF children.

    Now they have an example, where the child has to shun the parents. This is new for me.

    So it seems true, that a lot of the older people are leaving the WT.

    Another point:

    Before writing, she reviewed Bible principles

    Not bible laws - "only principles".

    Bible principles = biblical exegesis (man made rules)

    § 14: Urge your friend or relative to seek the help of the elders. If he or she does not do so within a reasonable period of time, loyalty to God should move you to report the matter to the elders.

    Maybe Anne has told the elders about her mothers "wrongdoings".

  • pixel
    This is disturbing to say the least.
  • Syme
    Makes my stomach turn around in circles.
  • fastJehu
    § 4: In his old age, David continued to demonstrate loyalty to God. For example, he made generous contributions toward the construction of Jehovah’s temple.

    What will the olderones in the hall think about this?

    "You will demonstrate loyality to God, if you make generous contributions."

    Why does the WT singled out this "generous contributions" example?

    Money problems???

    Could Anne's mother "come back" and reduce the 6 month backrow sitting with "generous contributions" and show loyality to God?

  • slimboyfat

    The idea that when facing such decisions JWs read scriptures like Corinthians is the most ridiculous lie. They ask questions like: if I talk to the person will I get caught? What will be the consequences? Is there a loophole in any recent article? Do others in the congregation follow this rule? Do I even like the person? Would I miss them not talking to them anyway? Will coercion work in their case?

    "What does Corinthians say about whether I should shun my mother?" Said no JW ever.

  • cofty
    Anne wrote and kindly reminded her mother that she had cut herself off from the family

    Imagine an abusive husband who told his wife that if she left him he would hunt her down and kill her. She leaves and he carries out his threat.

    In court the husband's defense is that the wife chose the outcome.

    This is the twisted logic of shunning.

  • fastJehu

    I have to stop reading this WT.

    Page 23 §9: For example, when he (her not JW husband) wanted to go to another city for the funeral of his father, she got the children ready and prepared everything needed for the trip. She waited for her husband at the church door until the ceremony ended.

    I can hardly bear it. Her father in law died and she is waiting outside.

  • freemindfade

    Holy crap!

    They are getting intense. I sometimes wonder if someone in the writing department is awake. And really pushing their most embarrassing traits on purpose. That is insane. If this bit right here doesn't make cult alarms go off I don't know what would... sound like what someone in the dark ages would burning a heritic.

    “The only way you can relieve your pain is by returning to Jehovah,”

  • Truthexplorer


    'In many cases it was not some unkind treatment they themselves

    experienced that disturbed them; it was seeing such treatment

    meted out to others, seeing people suffer because of the rigidity,

    narrow-mindedness, even arrogance of men in charge, elders and

    others, or recognizing the hurtful effects of certain edicts of the

    organization that did not rest on a solid Scriptural foundation.

    Rather than disgruntled, vindictive complainers, they have simply

    pleaded for greater compassion, a closer adherence to the example

    of God’s own Son, the Master of the Christian household of faith.

    This feeling for others is, I believe, a decisive factor as to the

    genuineness of motive. Similarly, a concern for truth, a concern not

    to be guilty of misrepresenting God’s own Word, a concern not

    to be hypocritical in appearing to believe what they do not believe,

    support what they cannot conscientiously support, condemn what

    they cannot see that Scripture itself condemns—such concern is, I

    think, also determinative as to genuineness of motive of any taking

    such a stand. I know many persons who clearly evidence such concern,

    yet who are labeled as “apostates,” “antichrists,” “instruments

    of Satan.” In case after case after case, the sole basis for such con


    demnation is that they could not honestly agree with all the

    organization’s teachings or policies.

    I feel an obligation toward such persons. In virtually every

    instance, a small group of three to five men (a “judicial committee”)

    met with them in secret meetings, where those who came as witnesses

    could only give their testimony but not stay to witness the discussion.

    Later a brief disfellowshiping announcement was read to the

    congregation that presented none of the testimony and none of the

    evidence in support of the disfellowshiping action. After the reading

    of that announcement no Witness was supposed to talk with the

    persons disfellowshiped, thereby shutting down any possibility of

    their expressing themselves by way of an explanation to friends and

    associates. For them to have done so before the disfellowshiping

    would have been counted as ‘proselytizing,’ ‘undermining the unity

    of the congregation,’ ‘sowing dissension,’ ‘forming a sect.’ For anyone

    to talk to them afterward would jeopardize that person’s own

    standing, make him liable for similar disfellowshipment.

    An effective “quarantining” is thus accomplished; a “lid” is placed

    on any discussion of the matter. The record of the disfellowshiping

    hearing and any claimed evidence now resides in one of the many

    voluminous files at the Brooklyn Service Department (or the files of

    a Branch Office), stamped “Do Not Destroy.” This file containing the

    charges made against them, like their hearing, is also secret, not subject

    to review.

    The Scriptures tell us that, “A true companion is loving all the

    time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress.”33 I once

    thought I had many, many such genuine friends. But when the crisis

    reached a decisive point I found I had only a few. Still, I count

    those few precious, whether they said little or much on my behalf.

    Because of past prominence, people inquire about me. However,

    almost no one ever inquires about the others who lack such prominence,

    although they have suffered through the same experience

    with essentially the same costs and agonies.

    What must it mean to a mother, who has seen a baby daughter

    come forth from her own body, has nursed that baby, cared for it

    through illness, has trained the young girl through the formative years

    of life, living her problems with her, feeling her disappointments and

    sadnesses as if they were her own, shedding tears along with her

    tears—what must it mean to that mother to have her daughter, now

    33 Proverbs 17:17.

    Credentials and Cause 39

    an adult, suddenly reject her, and do so simply because her mother

    sought to be true to her conscience and to God?

    What must it do to a father or mother to see a son or daughter

    marry and be told, for the same reason, that ‘it would be best if they

    did not appear at the wedding,’ or know that a daughter has given birth

    to a child and be told that they should not come to see their grandchild?

    This is not imagination. Exactly those things are happening to

    many parents who have been associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Consider here just one example, from a mother in Pennsylvania

    who writes:

    I have children in the organization, married, who at the time of my

    disassociation even offered for me to come to their home, for a rest,

    and their opinion of me as a person was not altered. When the

    information came through later [in the September 15, 1981, Watchtower

    which set forth detailed instructions as to association with any

    who thus disassociated themselves] I’ve been shunned by them ever

    since and they will not talk to me on the phone or have contact with

    me. I’ve got to do something about it but I don’t know what. I make

    no move lest it be a wrong move and alienate them further. I don’t

    phone them for fear they’ll get an unlisted number, and I don’t write,

    as I said, for fear of saying anything they might construe as offensive.

    I’ve been hospitalized during this time for emotional exhaustion and

    I suffered an additional crisis all within a short time of each event

    which proved, unfortunately, overwhelming.

    Perhaps you share this experience. I do not know how I am going

    to handle the loss of my children (and future grandchildren). The loss

    is monumental.

    If my past prominence could now contribute in some way to the

    conscientious stand of such persons being considered with a more

    open mind and could aid others to revise their attitude toward persons

    of this kind, I feel that such prominence would thereby have

    served perhaps the only useful purpose it ever had.

    I think here of Paul’s words when he says:

    What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain in your

    conscience. We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again,

    but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you

    can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in

    what is in the heart.

    Make room for us in your hearts. We have wronged no one, we

    have corrupted no one, we have exploited no one. I do not say this to

    condemn you; I have said before that you have such a place in our


    hearts that we would live or die with you.34

    If the information presented in this book could help toward one such

    mother being viewed by her children, not with shame, but with pride for

    staying by her conscience, all the effort involved would be worth it.

    That is basically why this book will present things that I saw, heard

    and experienced during my nine years on the Governing Body of

    Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is evidently necessary in order to get at the root

    of what is a heartbreaking problem for many, on both sides of the issue.'

  • done4good

    Yes, the WT has always held to these positions. However, that is not the focus of the OP. There is some serious loaded language in this article, almost brazen. For those of you that point out this is a more disturbing article than usual, it is not your imagination.

    Providing an example of what to write in a letter to a dis-fellowshipped relative or friend and how to handle a non-JW funeral is not only over the top, these are deliberately placed control mechanisms. As reprehensible as the WT is, this was not the norm not too many years ago.

    Reading that WT brought back some painful thoughts of a similar communication I received from a friend, and the verbiage as was written to me was not nearly as cutting.

    Sick. Fucking. Bastards.


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