What Caused Your First Doubt ?

by Big Jim 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    Perhaps this should go under "Personal Experiences"... ah, well.

    For me, it started the summer of 1993 when, at the District Convention, the speaker (who four years later became my PO) gave a talk during which the outline had the separation of the sheep and the goats BEFORE the 'great tribulation'. As the words came from his mouth, I heard a 'voice' inside me say, "No, he is wrong; read it again." And I reread Matthew 24 and realized that indeed the sequence was wrong. I then heard the 'voice' say that I had to TELL the speaker of the error... immediately... for millions were being misled by it. I did not know at the time what... or rather WHO... the 'voice' was.

    After juggling with my husband over the issue (he did NOT want me to say anything), I went and searched out the speaker and told him what I heard. He said, "Well, that's what the outline said, and I read it straight from the outline." He did not call me an 'apostate'. In fact, he later confessed to me that it didn't make sense to him either, and that was why he had to read it directly, because no matter how hard he tried to put it into his own words, he was tongue-tied and couldn't speak.

    I didn't mind him not agreeing with me at the time, for I thought, "Well, the rest of the 'body' just haven't 'heard' yet, but they will catch up." Fat chance. Eventually, I 'heard' another 'truth'... that the 'generations of 1914' was an incorrect teaching, and in the Fall of 1993, I wrote to the Society and set forth all that I had 'heard'... and the supporting scriptures and verses. I even included a chart of such verses.

    And I heard absolutely NOTHING.

    Then, in February 1994, there was this 'new light'... 'adjusting' the understanding of the generation of 1914. Okay, so a coincidence.

    And for about a YEAR, I heard nothing. But in April of 1995, I received a letter from the Society regarding MY letter and apologizing for not having a response. They stated, and I quote: "We ask that you be patient; perhaps something on this issue may be forthcoming." Not knowing what THAT meant, I let the matter drop... and 'waited' on 'Jehovah'.

    Then out came the October 1995 Watchtower... with MY chart set on a page with a flock of sheep in the background! The former convention speaker, who was now my PO, asked me if I had seen the magazine (of course, I had - I ALWAYS read and studied them as soon as they came in the mail - what a 'good' little 'anal' JW chick, I was...) and if he could read ALL of my letters to the Society, which I gave him, and which took him 2 weeks to return. When he did, he said, 'That was interesting'.

    I kept writing about issues... and kept 'waiting on Jehovah'. I thought, surely the REST of the body have gotten these things, too, or will soon.

    Then, in February 1997, that same voice told me NOT to write this time, but to go to Brooklyn personally. And I did. Called to get an airline ticket one day ($1,300 R/T), couldn't afford THAT, saw a tiny ad in the paper the next day ($208 R/T), and three days within 'hearing'... was sitting at a Bethel dining table.

    And after lunch (now THAT was an 'experience' - tables and tables of food... even when no one is sitting there!) the sister that accompanied me, and I, met with Carey Barber. And I KNEW... from that moment on... and he KNEW I knew... that they were imposters. I KNEW that he was NOT a member of the Body of Christ, and he KNEW I knew... and he knew I was... and that I knew he knew.

    And dear ones, let me tell you... they are VERY aware of many of the false teachings, for my Lord let me know when I went that I had not been the first one sent to them, but they had ignored all others before me... and would ignore me. But I was STILL obligated to go... and warn them, or I would be held responsible for their blood.

    Ezekiel 3:17-21

    In addition, Carey Barber stated to me... PERSONALLY... and to the sister with me... that, and I QUOTE: "the Governing Body hasn't had anything to do with the Watchtower since 1972." If it's a lie, dear ones, he told it. He then told us that we could watch the first WTBTS video tape, and it would tell us how they compiled the magazines, that they had nothing to hide and had revealed this all along. And indeed, dear ones, it does: there are file rooms, with logged articles, research and writings, and the publications are derived from these, by NON-ANOINTED men, who simply search the files and 'cut and paste'. That is WHY the information goes back and forth: this year, the publications said this, ten years later it said that, 30 years later someone found the FIRST writing and republished IT... and so and so on. Re-review your video cassette. Pay attention to the narrator when you get to the part about the file room.

    After that, things changes rapidly. I continued eating and drinking. I continued 'hearing', until finally, my Lord identified himself TO me. I would ask him questions; he would answer them. He would tell me to speak certain things, and I would go to my 'elders' and speak. I had 14 judicial meetings (6 OFFICIAL ones) meetings, and was eventually df'd for, well, they SAID refusing to meet one more time (I had nothing else to share with them!), but the 'word on the street' is that I am an apostate.

    An-y-way... I never actually 'doubted'. Never really went from believing to doubting. I simply went from believing in their lies... to knowing that they were lies. Doubt denotes not being sure. I went from being sure that they had truth, to being ABSOLUTELY sure... that they didn't. Heck, they don't even know what TRUTH is... or rather WHO he is, based simply upon THEIR assumption that the truth is 'the information contained in God's Holy Word, the Bible.'

    The Truth, dear ones... AND God's Holy Word... is my Lord, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. (John 1:1, 14; John 14:6; John 8:32, 36). Pure... and simple. Truthfully.

    I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ, who has been 'set free' from the traditions and doctrines of 'earthling' MEN...


  • JW72

    I can't speak for myself but my mum started getting doubts when she realised that when they said all the 'wicked' will be destroyed, they didn't mean wicked, they meant non-JW's!!!!!!!!

    Among a LOAD of other things, I might add!!

    C ya's


  • OrangeBlossom

    Mulan, for me it was the study of "the Greatest Man" but for a different reason. During the study of the Pharisees I immediately connected them with the elders of my congregation and began to wonder if Jehovah had turned his back on the organization because of their dogmatic, hard-hardedness attitude, obey the rules, follow the org no matter what, straining the gnat and swallowing the camel. Jesus said you would know his diciples by the love among themselves and I just didn't see or feel it and hadn't for a long time.

    Also, during the Revelation book, I could never accept that different prophetic events, trumpet blowings, etc. were related to the different conventions throughout rhe years. I just couldn't buy it.

    Then there was the money issue. Building new, expensive Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, Patterson when the brothers in Africa would have 50 congregations sharing 1 hall. I felt the GB was losing sight of the more important things.

    Add to that about 50 other nagging doubts and pretty soon you have a full-blown doubt.

    Then one night while looking for the society's web site I came across a site that talked about elder's looking for reform. That was a light-bulb moment for me. I realized at that moment that I was not alone in my doubting and that even elders saw things wrong with the org.

    From there I took the plunge and read "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom" and it was pretty much over for me, even tho I still pretend in order to keep my family. BTW, anyone that has not read those two books, I highly recommend them. It completely released me from tremendous guilt that I had carried around for years because I felt that I could never measure up.

    Didn't mean to make this so long. Just couldn't stop once I got started. Hope it makes sense.

  • jurs

    Like Mulan I had several things that nagged at me but i also put them on the shelf. The beard issue , wearing dresses and suits, strange superstitions i.e. smurfs, and having to count time in service. what finally brought all of those nagging issues to a head was when i realized that an elder was hiding a wrong and i thought he was a hypocrite. then a friend had called me and told me her daughter , who was only a teenager, was accused of being a witch !!! i am not kidding !!! she was wearing too much make up and wore black clothes. she also got a tatoo ( eyeliner tatoo . ) that was the final straw. i came to the internet and the rest is history...

  • Roamingfeline

    For me, it took years of watching alot of unjust BS that happened in our KH, and then came the "Donation" change. I follow the news and knew that it had to do with avoiding paying taxes, not a bolt of "new light" from God. Then came the "generation" change, and I really got suspicious. I quit attending meetings at that time. Walked out right in the middle of a talk, just shaking my head.

    Three months later, I got on the internet and immediately found H20 and the Blood issue site. I printed the entire set of information and took it home to read. After that, I obtained Crisis of Conscience, and that was the end of believing in the ORg, or even believing in a kind God, for me.


  • Liberated

    Greatest Man Book

    *** gt 131 131 Final Appearances, and Pentecost 33 C.E. ***
    Chapter 131
    Final Appearances, and Pentecost 33 C.E.
    The manner in which Jesus has just left the earth is without public fanfare and with only his faithful followers observing. So he will return in like manner—without public fanfare and with only his faithful followers discerning that he has returned and has begun his presence in Kingdom power.

    *** gt 132 132 At God's Right Hand ***
    Chapter 132
    A careful study of Bible prophecies, including Jesus’ own prophecy regarding the last days, reveals that “the Lord’s day” began in the history-making year 1914, yes, within this generation! So it was in 1914 that Jesus returned invisibly, without public fanfare and with only his faithful servants being aware of his return.

    These two passages led me to the question:
    Who were these faithful servants of 1914 who knew of his return in that year?
    These would be the ones fulfilling the "faithful and discreet slave" parable/prophecy, the ones the master finds dispensing food at the proper time.

    The answer I found, and the PO agreed with, is: no one.

    In 1914, no one knew of Jesus' return in that year. Russell was teaching "present truth" to be that Jesus returned in 1874.
    This continued to be taught for decades after 1914.

    If Christendom missed the "day of her visitation", so did jw's.

  • Copernicus

    "If Christendom missed the "day of her visitation", so did jw's."

    Very good point. How did your PO try and weasel out of it? Or did he?

  • Delilah blue
    Delilah blue

    For me it was always nagging in the back of my mind , however it was the word
    "neurolinguistics" that got me thinking and searching the net.
    When I found a site, it mentioned the Jehovahs Witnesses, along with some others who
    use repetitive phrases to create a reality in your mind. This got me going on more searches of all
    kinds.But in the end I vanished from the cong. when my husband became an elder.I swear they
    gave him a Lobotomy.

  • patio34

    I had doubts for years but as Mulan said, put them on a shelf 'waiting on Jehovah' and staying busy in the works of the Lord.

    Then, one day about 4 months ago, I made up a list of what being a JW has cost me and my family. It was very lengthy and negative. I felt so guilty I threw it away.

    Then about 3 months ago, my grandchildren were watching the movie 'Dinasour.' I was struck by an old doubt full force: how do the dinasours fit into the Bible? For several reasons, to me at least, the existence of these carnivores disprove the Bible as a literal book.

    So, from that day I decided to quit meeting attendance and research evolution and so-called 'bible criticism.' I also called my sister, 'Waiting,' who then kindly sent me a bunch of books, etc. She had quit meetings (unbeknownst to me) a year before.



    First doubt!!!

    Why in the world aren't the anointed doing the feeding work....??

    They have turned it over to the non-anointed Nethinim class, allow them to write and print the literature, added new so-called anointed that are too young technically to qualify (since 1935) and produce so-called inspired utterances into uninspired literature...

    HEEEELLLLLO Get a clue!

    Better "test it out". Well I did! And guess where it got me for disagreeing with unispired Wt mags??


    Never been better

    Just a thought

    JUST A MOM (Kim)

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