Pro Life, pro choice?

by got my forty homey? 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Personally I am strongly pro choice, for a number of reasons despite finding the concept of abortion distasteful.

    I have no right to dictate what a woman can or cannot do to her body and I do not have the right to demand that any woman continue a pregnancy she does not want. I may supply the sperm but I have no rights over the child created until it is born.

    There are way too many children brought into the world to parents who are not competant to give them a decent upbringing, some of them do not have the fortitude to put them out to adoption and hence the kids end up being abused or neglected. No child deserves that and to suggest that all life is sacred while sentencing countless children to a woefully destructive childhood is such a breathtakingly circular piece of logic that it stuns me.

    Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control, there are plenty of safe and reliable methods of ensuring birth control in this day and age. I find it offensive that certain groups attempt to deny people access to birth control and then deny any responsibility towards the social damage the policy causes, which by the way includes higher incidence of abortion as witnessed by the high numbers of Irish travelling to England for the operation.

    Obviously the my last comment is aimed at the Catholic church although I do not wish to cause offence. As an aside, the organisation which provides the largest access to birth control in many developing countries is ironically the Catholic church at a local level who ignore the vatican's policy.

  • shera

    I am nither,I just have my opinion and if no one likes it too bad.

    I don't agree it should be used for a method of birth control.BUUUUT.......for certian medical reasons.Its good to have it.I hhave a cousion who was pregnant and her baby didn't have a brain.I agree with with her desion,not to carry the baby to full term.I wouldn't be able to handle,carry a baby for 9 months,knowing it would die.For certain disablities,no,its degrading to people who are alive and living a life,with special needs.To abort them because their life will not be"normal".

    Touchy subject,sometimes I just prefer to keep these matters to myself.

  • Euphemism
    My opinion is that you were pro-choice at the conception, you made the choice to have intercourse

    So how do you feel about abortion in cases of rape?

  • SixofNine

    While as a male and a father, it pained me to come to this conclusion, I now know that must be totally up to a woman whether or not she will have a child. Other people, especially other people who have never adopted an abandoned child, simply have no legitimate say.

    "Life" does not begin with conception, that is far too simplistic a mindset. If it were true, god would be the biggest abortionist and killer in the universe, as the majority of sperm and egg pairings abort naturally. Btw, I put "life" in quotation marks, because we aren't really talking about just "life" (snails, worms, spiders and child molesters are all living beings), we are talking about the potential for a happy, productive, human lifespan.

    "Life" begins with choices. Choice(s) plural, not just the choice to have sex, that is the least of the choices. There are many choices which contribute to the welfare of a child, to it's ability to have an existance, and to the quality of that existance. Perhaps the most important choice affecting whether a child will grow into an adult member of society is when the mother and, hopefully, father, decide (make a choice) to love and care for that child unreservedly. In contrast, a child born to mentally unstable parents who horribly abuse it for a few months or even years before killing it by say, shaking too hard, or starving it to death, or any number of unspeakable ways in which children die in this world, would have been FAR BETTER OFF ABORTED. Anyone who would have innocent children condemned to experience a world of unrelenting abuse culminating in a violent death, just to forward their idealogical position, is a major sadist.

  • asortafairytale

    I am pro-choice.

    and hence the kids end up being abused or neglected.

    I was in and out of foster homes and group homes as a kid, and I saw some of the most awful things parents could do to their children.

    Also, I know that if abortions were made illegal, they would still occur just as often. The difference will be that they will no longer be in safe, sanitary conditions with qualified doctors. We will be back to the back alley and coathanger era.

    I think of my 11-year old niece, and although I hope she has the smarts to use birth control when she is older, I know that she may not. And if she ever finds herself in that situation, and decides to have an abortion, that she will have access to a safe and clean environment and a qualified doctor.

    For any other people who are pro-choice...are any of you attending the "March for Choice" in Washington D.C. in April?


  • bisous

    nobody's business what I do with my body but my own. If that means I am pro-abortion, so be it.

    When the fetus is viable and self-sustaining then it can have rights and not until.

  • DevonMcBride

    I'm Pro-choice and don't think men in Washington should make decisions for women.

    And by the way, I personally would never have an abortion but my morals and opinions should not be forced on anyone else.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I think its a terrible thing to do, but why should we force women to have children that they may not be able to take of. These children grow up to be bitter people and social problems later anyway. I found the majority or pro-lifers dont have children anyway or are single people. And if people want to smoke and drink themselves to death, the govenment should stay out of there way also.

    And I am pro death penaly also.

  • Amazing

    I no longer hold a "JW" view of this. I am both Pro-Abortion and Anti-Abortion. How can I do that? Easy.

    I believe that abortion is murder. It is the killing of our most innocent and vulnerable little humans. I would never consent to it in my life ... and I am glad that my own mother refused her doctor's recommendation to abort me to save her own life ... because she held to her values, I am alive ... and she lived until I was 15 years old.

    One the other hand, I don't want to progeny of the pro-abortion people living on this planet, violating the natural progression of evolution ... so, I am just as comfortable if they kill off their own children ... to make more room for my children and grandchildren.

    My view is a cold-hearted view ... but my view gives pro-abortionists what they want ... "choice" ... and their choice is even worse and cold-hearted than my words. So, I guess it all balances out anyway.

  • Dawn

    I guess I am pro-life. I believe abortion is murder.

    I also know how hard it is to be faced with that decision. I had to make a choice 18 years ago when I found out I was pregnant......I was still a teenager, single, no money, facing the possiblity of being kicked out of my house and DF'd if anyone found out. It's a very hard decision to be faced with. I'm glad that I opted against the abortion. I now have a wonderful son - who will be 18 in 2 days.......... and just reminded me he'll be old enough to buy porno

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