What is it with British accents?

by Aztec 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    I've been looking for 'r' at the end of some words, but the Brits can be bad for this

    You want to visit Bristol!

    They put an "L" on the end of a word that ends in vowel. So Canada is Canadal, my daughter is Samanthal and her friend is Fional.

    Oh yeah..and Bristol was originally called Bristowe.


  • mouthy

    O.K. now Walter & Aztec????? What about MY british accent- Did you understand it? I am sure you russhed off cos you couldnt stand ME!!!!!!

  • iiz2cool


    I really enjoyed meeting you today, and I love your British accent! you were very easy to understand.

    Sorry we had to leave so soon. I've been having some back trouble this past week, and needed to lie down very badly.

    We'd like to come down and see you again soon, and next time we'll bring rayzorblade along!

    Ray! I think Aztec is beginning to lose a bit of that Michigan accent, and sounding more like a Canuckistani.


  • Aztec


    And you do too! We were saying 'what?' to you just as much as you were to us!!!! I'll have to speak normally for you next time, without slowing down or picking my words not to use any slang next time, see how you get on with that

    You were? Oh no! Don't pick up speed! I could barely understand you two! I still love both of ya. Wipe that lipstick of of your cheeks.

    Ray, don't even start. The Michigan accent is not too far off from the Ontario one. You know we looooooove you! See, Rayzorblade does wear lipstick!

    (((Mouthy))) you are so adorable! You know everyone loves you! I think you're tops!


  • Aztec

    Damn you Walter, I only said "Aaaay" once!


  • Aztec

    Double the pleasure, double the fun!

  • mouthy

    Oh poor Walter I didnt know about your back. I do hope it is on the mend. I know how lousy that is ,Mine went out for 14 days a month back, I will keep it on my prayer list ( wink,wink,((((((HUGS Aztec (((((((HUG)))) It was lovely to met you both!!!!! You will have to come here sometime... BUT!!!!! you have to go outside to smoke -No smoking in this seniors citizens home -- ( well you might as well quit eH???( aint I nasty??

  • Satans little helper
  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper
    You want to visit Bristol!

    They put an "L" on the end of a word that ends in vowel. So Canada is Canadal, my daughter is Samanthal and her friend is Fional.

    Oh yeah..and Bristol was originally called Bristowe.


    and here I was thinking I lived in Brizzle. I still cannot get used to them making every sentence sound like a question.

    I found a really funny site about janners and their speech and mannerisms, i will see if I can find it again because I'm sure it would open the eyes of some of our Atlantic cousins.

    Englishman, do you sound like a Wurzel?

  • Englishman
    . I still cannot get used to them making every sentence sound like a question

    They do. They raise the pitch of their voice on the last syllable of a sentence so it sounds like a question.

    Do I sound like a Wurzel?

    You mean Scrumpy and Western?

    Nah...I sound like David Niven. Gosh.


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