Why do they post, "I'm leaving!" Topics?

by Maverick 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    I think it depends on the intent of the thread. If someone is upset or hurt, and are posting to make their point known, so be it, but don't belabour the point.

    LB and Francois are examples of this. Made their point, said goodbye and stuck to it. Though I admit I miss them both. Enjoyed LB's stories and pics of his success with his basketball team. And Frank's sardonic wit, always kept me in stitches.

    However I've seen quite a few, say goodbye, ask or get themselves deleted, than ask to be reactivated, only to start stirring up the pot again. I don't think the mods and administrators need that aggravation, especially if it is repetitive.

    And then there are those who simply disappear, without a trace as Avishai mentioned about OUTLAW. I think it would be only a common courtesy, if a regular poster is going to be absent for a while to let us know, so we don't worry. I know I get concerned, if someone suddenly disappears, without a word.

  • stillajwexelder

    Quite a few were hurt by elders etc -- and come on here and also get hurt (do not forget the witness world is very sheltered and the real world is not) - they probably expected better traetment on here and when they did not sulked and announced the ywere leaving -- my guess is >80% want to be persuaded not to leave and to be given a bit of attention -- after all many did not get it from "loving caring elder shepherds)

  • Maverick

    You both give valid points. But should we shelter the newbies?

    It seems to me the very nature of this site is to help free people from the borg. And part of that is to expose them to the real world, not the BS, phony world of the WTS! In time people have other things to focus on and drift away. Just as in life we miss those people we knew but moved in a different direction. But we don't care less for them...we understand this is the nature of the world.

    I do agree that many are hurt by the inept, action or inaction by the Elders! I was one of those people that waited, hoped, they would come and ask me, "What was up?" They NEVER did! I tested them and they failed EVERY test EVERY time! I even wrote the CO and got a sweet letter telling me he would check on it....in six months! But these were people I knew! People I worked for and with. And people I saw every other day for years! We are on the web! Can we expect the same kind of response from people, most of whom we have never met and don't even know their real names? Maverick

  • xjw_b12
    Mav. Can we expect the same kind of response from people, most of whom we have never met and don't even know their real names?

    All I can say to that, is when "practically" anyone posts, "I am leaving thread" I usually post a "sorry to see you go" , or "please stay post".

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