Ticked off and lonely ( a rant)

by copsec 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • copsec


    He can't drive right now because of a DWI. Mind you, he has never had one before. HE doesn't drink a whole lot, a beer here or there. Even the night he got pulled over he had only had three beers. But unfortunately that did put him over the limit. We talk all the time so it's not a big communication problem either. Maybe he is just tired cause he does have a strenuous job. I dunno. Maybe I am just over-reacting. We women can do that. I just know I am not feeling very attractive to him right now. But thanks for all the advice from you and everyone else. He is my best friend and we will work things out. I cannot imagine my life without him in it.

  • bikerchic

    Hi copsec,

    IMHO you have every reason to be upset with him seems things were exactly fair him not letting you go along with him and his bud. I hope you talked it out with him and let him know how it made you feel to be left out.

    Now I'm going to take a big leap here and probably get this thread hi-jacked by a bunch of Dr. Laura haters but I highly recommend you get her new book, "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands". That is if you can get one seems all the bookstores are out of them, I'm on a waiting list for mine so no I haven't read it yet but it sounds like a must read for every married couple.

    I really wish you and your husband the best, please don't let this incident the end of your marriage but as others have suggested it might be time to seek some help to get back that spark.


  • Purple

    Ooo never heard of her. What does she suggest for the average mortal couple to do??

  • Robdar

    Okay, he goes out with you but you aren't invited along on his night out? And he says that he is too tired to have sex?

    One of my girlfriends went through the same thing. Her husband was having an affair. I am not saying that this is what is going on with you but be looking for signs. I do know that the lack of sex is a warning sign. Also, his suspicions of you and your girlfriends being out alone together is another. Usually people don't get suspicious unless they are up to something themselves.

    Of course, his desire to be out with his friends could just be that he needs some male bonding. I would certainly give him the benefit of the doubt if I were you.

    Good luck.

    PS: Dr Laura is full of shit. She always blames the woman.


  • reboot

    hi copsec; it seems strange to me he'd want to come out with you and your girlfriend- unless he's feeling a little insecure...I think men and women need time out with their own sex. When we've 'allowed' a boyfriend or husband to tag along on a girl's night out the atmosphere of the evening's been so different, and not in a good way lol.

    I wonder whether the sex-thing is just a symptom of another problem-it's usually the first thing to go if the relationships not quite right .Like a natural way of creating distance...(((hope you can find out why it feels like he's 'stepping back' from you.)))

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