You only left so you could do whatever you want

by Elsewhere 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Has a JW every told you that, or have you ever heard a JW accuse other's who leave of that?

    Sometimes I wonder if some JWs do not have a very dark side to their personalities... a blood lust even. I have literally had them confess to me that they would be like a wild animal if it was not for being in the bOrg... even inclined to kill for pleasure. Some tell me that the only reason they are not out partying all the time, abusing people or in jail is because the WTS told them not to do those things.

    When they saw me DA they accused me of just wanting to sin... as if my primary motivation was to go crazy with "sin".

    I'm inclined to think that the one's who told me that were actually projecting a view of themselves onto me.

    What do you think?

  • undercover

    Oh yeah.

    I was told that I'm looking for faults in the organization because I don't want the responsibility of having to live up to what God requires from us. If I can find faults with the orgnization then I can fool myself into thinking that I don't have to live up to Witness standards.

    It's my fault, all my fault. If I hadn't examined my religion when I had doubts, then I would still love Jehovah and his organization. I've let negative thinking push theocratic thoughts out and I have listened to the unwise ones who don't have God's spirit.

    It's hard to debate any issue when a loyal dub resorts to that tactic. They can't open up enough to admit that maybe the WTS is not what they claim, therefore it has to be your/my fault that this news or information exists.

    edited to add a bit about the "sinning" issue: I have known some that left because they just couldn't live up to the moral standards. Having premarital sex or other "worldly" desires was just too strong, so they gave up being witnesses to join the world in having fun. In essence that's what all JWs think all those that leave are doing by finding fault. We just don't want to live up to it anymore, therefore we find fault to rationalize to ourselves that we are right in leaving.

  • calamityjane

    They'd rather accuse then ask the question "why" did you leave.

    They really don't want to know and are afraid to ask.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well it sounds to me like they are quoting dogma - almost word for word. You can tell they don't think these things up themselves. They are like parrots, all using the exact same quotes.

    My Response to them though is:

    Yes I really wanted to lose all my family and friends in one shot and be shunned by everyone I know and love. I can't get enough of it so I won't be coming back!

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Hey Else,

    You been talking to my wifely unit again

    "You only left so you could do whatever you want" verbatim!

    ME: "Um, ya, that's it. I want my wife to hate me and distrust everything i say, to lose the 'friends" i had all of my life, and to start fresh in life in my 30's"

    HER: "You just don't want to go to meetings anymore!"

    I felt like saying, "who does?"

    I'm inclined to think that the one's who told me that were actually projecting a view of themselves onto me.

    What do you think?


    I have been kicking this idea aroud for a while now.

    She seems to think i lie to her ALL OF THE TIME! I don't.

    But she has admitted to breaking promises to me, thus lying to me

    She told my own baptised brother that she doesn't TRUST ANYONE in my family.

    But in the past she has admitted that her father doesn't like me or put much trust in me.

    She thinks that I am sneaking around on her behind her back when i am not home, when all i am doing is working all of the time

    All the while she is gone to the 'friends' homes and many times spends the night at some of their homes without me knowing of it till the next day because she 'fell asleep' at thier house. Doesn't anyone ever wake her up before they go to bed???

    she certainly seems to mirror her own actions onto me with frequency

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Yes I really wanted to lose all my family and friends in one shot and be shunned by everyone I know and love. I can't get enough of it so I won't be coming back!

    Lady Lee

    LOL! LL, You got your post in before I could see them and finish mine.

    Glad to see your words. Guess I am not completely off base

  • Euphemism
    Has a JW every told you that, or have you ever heard a JW accuse other's who leave of that?

    Yep... that was one of the things that the elder who was trying to persuade me to stay said.

    I think it tends to stick, because it has an element of truth... everyone in the borg wants to be free to do things they're not allowed. I did too. But I controlled those impulses until I no longer believed in the borg, and felt no need to obey them anymore.

    Of course, since the borg has no legitimate authority, I also believe that leaving because you don't like the rules and restrictions is a perfectly fine thing to do. I don't have any less respect for a person if they left because they wanted to have sex or didn't want to go to meetings, rather than because of doctrinal issues. As long as they broke the mind-control, that's all that matters.

  • caligirl

    Yes, that's why I left- I am just such a wild woman that I couldn't stand the restrictions.

    My mother told me that I never "understood" what was being taught because if I had, I would not have left. I understood perfectly what was being said, I just don't agree with it. It is just incomprehensible with all the fear that has been inculcated into them that anyone would disagree with what was being taught, so it HAS to be something else.

    calamityjane, I totally agree with you. To ask why would open up the ultimate can of worms for them so it is easier to assume and assign reasons to you for leaving than to listen to the real truth.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    That is why I left.

    I didn't find out about the bullshite until many years later.

  • Sassy

    I left because I got tired of the BS.

    The fact that I could enjoy life (even if they considered it sinning) was just a bonus.

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