Why do cults focus in on 'doomsday'?

by A Paduan 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kls

    Its life or death,its that simple.If You are with us you live ,if not you die. kls

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    anything sitting at rest requires a force to move it....

    a content mind feels no need to change its views....but few minds are that content... they are swimming with differing views which makes them unstable and insecure and fearful....leading to a desire for stability and absolutes....

    doomsday cults present an ideal fantasy realm which seems like it could be made here and then blame our lack of its acheivement on our lack of agreement, which is a valid point... but the next point, that their way is the best and only way is not something which follows directly nor conclusively...

    after all, what do they claim, that God being the creator knows best....father knows best...

    yet there is no reason to believe that has to be true, after all, everything existing dies. there is no example of God's way being superior to anyone elses.... the crown jewel, Israel, the first born among all nations, did not give the world any example of perfection nor supreme triumph of God's way over man's... just a lot of excuses, claiming it would work if people would just follow it.

    what basis is there to trust a god who grew up without anyone or anything to learn from? a god who had to make reality by trial and error? and if that God simply knew reality from beginning to end, does that mean anything really? it only means he is incapable of changing a single thing....cannot violate what he knows without realizing he really doesnt know it.

  • Satanus

    It's focusing on the negative, instead of positive, destruction instead of construction, death instead of life, in a word - suicide. All the more reason to institute euthenasia clinics. Let the charles russels, j f rutherfords and fred franzes form a line there. Save society from their infection.


  • heathen

    It's not entirely the WTBTS that is responsible for the belief in the end of the world as we know it . That is a major theme in the bible and can be found in the old and new testament but I think they do use the belief in ways for personal gain . They seem to get people so absorbed in the idea of being eternally damned that they have too much control over too many people . They do believe in the 2 folds of sheep and the responsiblity as I see it for conquering the world is put on those with the heavenly calling but they seem to force the great crowd class into believing they have to peddle magazines in order to be approved by God .

  • Faraon

    Doomsday instills a sense of urgency to join a cult.

    I think this is the main idea. Think about what would have happened if Russell had predicted "The End of This System of Things" to happen in in the year 2914.

    This can be compared to: This sale will end in two days. Buy now.

  • Sentinel

    People want justice. They want all the people who have been mean or unjust to them to be punnished. They want a doomsday to rid them of these people and wipe the slate clean.

    A doomsday "stops" everything as it now functions. If this can happen, and one can still survive and be protected, then this is the desire of many. The hope they have. They live with the promise that god will destroy 99% of his creation and leave the earth to the 1% balance still here. (Of course, that would be the faithful JW's)

    How unloving and selfish. Still, these cults entice many into their fold. People like to be led along, when they are too weak to stand on their own. There are many weak people.


  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Cause if they did not talk about scary things you would pay them no mind.

  • NeonMadman
    Think about what would have happened if Russell had predicted "The End of This System of Things" to happen in in the year 2914.

    Interesting point; I've never heard of a doomsday cult that said that the end was hundreds or thousands of years off. Wonder why that is? Doesn't anybody ever develop prophetic chronology that doesn't end within their own lifetime?

  • undercover
    Doesn't anybody ever develop prophetic chronology that doesn't end within their own lifetime?

    There's no profit in it.

    Seriously, if the world is ending tomorrow and you've got the book that will save people, you'll make millions. If the world is ending in 100 years or more and you've still got the book that will save people then, you won't make millions.

  • fearnotruth22

    Sman. That is just one of several strategies used by movements. Doomsday is a Topic that interests people because evryone is doomed to die and cult eludes the reality and inevitability of death to individuals the join because the know the onlyway

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