Dating and being chapperoned

by dustyb 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    What was the rule for THREE unmarried couples? Four? When does it become a get together? Just wondering. Shoshana

  • stillajwexelder

    Song of Solomon implies there were no chaperones in early bible days IMHO

  • Nosferatu
    How'd you like to be the fifth wheel on that little outing?

    I'd love it! "Hey guys, lemme try doing that to her!"

  • Meg

    OMG, this use to drive me crazy. I dated my boyfriend for 3 years before we got engaged and even after we got engaged, we were still not allowed to be alone together at all. We couldn't even drive to pickup some fast food alone! Also we could not take my sister along as a chaperone, it would have to be an adult who was strong in the troof. All this did was make us sneak around more then ever!!

  • TresHappy

    Can you imagine having a chaperone in the back seat? That happened on more than one occasion to me? I thought it was the WEIRDEST thing. I never chaperoned though. What a crock!

  • Mulan
    It must be totally humiliating being a 25 yr old man/woman and having to have a chaperon.

    I know senior citizens who had to have chaperones. Ridiculous. I don't think it's a bad idea for teenagers though. I was a teenager once, so I remember.

  • simplesally

    I do understand teen agers having a chaperone. It really eliminates alot of inner and peer pressure. However, to a grown woman, it was stupid. I think when first dating, going out with another couple was fun but thats just because you have another couple there to help you get to know each other and take the focus off the 'date'......... I dated one brother and sometimes we'd meet at a local restaurant... drive 2 cars there and have a drink and dinner and then leave separately.

  • Aztec
    What was the rule for THREE unmarried couples? Four? When does it become a get together? Just wondering.

    Nah, that would be an orgy...LOL!


  • amac

    Actually, the society was not as strict on this as most JWs thought. My wife and I RARELY had a chaperone and I used to LOVE defending myself to other nosey witnesses. All the society says is that you should not be alone in a secluded place where wrongdoing can occur. But they did encourage doing things together in public places. In fact, I remember one pub (maybe the Young People Ask) talking about this and then showing a couple ice skating or something like that...but they were alone! I remember them specifically warning on being alone in a parked car, a home or stuff like that, but being alone in public places is OK. My parents didn't like it at first, but after I showed them what I found researching it, they couldn't argue.

  • Sassy

    well to be honest when I was a teenage and did get alone with a brother I still got in less trouble. I do understand if you can't 'do anything' the rule about older ones. I had a much harder time being well behaved when I got divorced and was single again. Now I had had sex and knew what I was missing and my body had a hard time going without...

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