JUSTICE #3 - Sin worse than Apostasy!

by Amazing 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Boozy: Your comment about the changed Elder reminds me of another account that I can add to my Justice Series. Remind me to do this. It is about a Congregation Servant (As the POs were once called). He was found guilty of praying to the Devil. - Amazing

  • BoozeRunner

    Amazing, that seems like one for the files-"praying to the Devil" !!!
    I will be sure to remind you as your Justice Series continues.


  • esther

    The poor sister must have so much love and patience in her heart to wait to get reinstated. How she must have suffered, and just because of the spite of intolerant, unbending elders. How dare they put "Not to be reinstated." on her card. What happened to the only unforgiveable sin being sin against the holy spirit? How does anyone dare to judge whether someone has committed the unforgiveable sin. I am so angry about this injustice.

    edited for spelling

  • Amazing

    Hi Esther: Thanks for your comments. Sadly, the injustice, as you will note in Justice #4a and $4b that are also posted gets ever worse. And, in Justice #4c and #4d is gets even more worse. I have 13 Justice posts in all. And I may yet write #14+. Interestingly, I am just one person who served as an Elder. Can you imagine over 6,000 congregations in the USA with about 30,000 Elders in all. The numbers can be mind boggling as to the abuses. Then imagine almost 80,000 congregations worldwide with maybe 300,000 to 400,000 ELders involved in all kinds of actions. Simply staggering. - Amazing

  • Calico_Cat

    Oh yeah, up you go!

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Amazing,

    a very, very sad story indeed.

    After reading many of the answers, the nearest to the

    I would have commented is from Ester:

    "The poor sister must have so much love and patience in her heart to wait to get reinstated. How she must have suffered, and just because of the spite of intolerant, unbending elders. How dare they put "Not to be reinstated." on her card. What happened to the only unforgiveable sin being sin against the holy spirit? How does anyone dare to judge whether someone has committed the unforgiveable sin. I am so angry about this injustice."

    Very true! How on earth those elders did believe to follow

    " Christ loving exemple" ???

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    When I've read before, of cases of the injustices people have suffered in the hands of "those directed by holy spirit through prayer", I think, 'that has to be the worst', and yet here's another one so horrendously cruel, I just can't fathom how it just keeps happening over and over again.

    I shouldn't be surprised at the decision of the first judicial committee, as I've had to deal with an elder such as you described, before also. But at least I didn't have to suffer the inhumane label of "not to be reinstated". How indecent and power-mad is that?

    I can't understand why the ones in Bethel, who get the letters from the elders explaining each case and reasons for their decision, couldn't see the injustice in this and suggest another decision be made. How can they possibly feel this decision was directed by holy spirit?

    The more I read, the more disgust I have, and the more fear I have for my family.

    Had Enough

  • Amazing

    Hello Had Enough:

    You noted, "I can't understand why the ones in Bethel, who get the letters from the elders explaining each case and reasons for their decision, couldn't see the injustice in this and suggest another decision be made."

    In this case, I do not believe that the Society was notified of the note 'not to be reinstated'. That note was on the envelop. But, I feel that even if the Society would have been notified, they likely would not have said much about it, unless the sister or her attorney protested.

    You mentioned that this seemed like one of the worst cases you've read so far. Some of the next cases in the Justice series are even worse, I am sad to say. - Amazing

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hi Amazing:

    Thanks for the clarification. I guess I should never be surprised at how low the GB can stoop if they can allow brothers in Mexico to get away with bribing officials to get the card they need to say they done their military duty, then why wouldn't they allow elders a free hand at 'whipping the brothers into shape'.

    It boggles the mind how justified they (the elders and the GB) feel in doing things so contrary to Jesus example of love and justice that they claim to be following.

    As difficult as it is to read these accounts, I appreciate your sharing them with us. It strengthens my resolve daily that I'm on the right path out from under their clutches.

    Had Enough

  • sf

    One word for this part of the series...stunned!


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