Lousy Friends

by Nosferatu 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChimChim

    Thats really Sad! Sometimes friends can be very bad ones and they suck BIG time! You just want to smack them sometimes for being so immature and rediculous. I know i can be immature, but I know that I would never do anything like that to one of my friends. If they were getting married I would be there for them every step of the way! Anyways Congrats On your wedding. I hope everything goes well and you guys stay happy


  • SheilaM

    That sucks JEALOUS peopel SUCK GODWhy can't people be happy for people. Just remember it is not you it is just people.

  • pettygrudger

    (((Nos))) I've found myself over time that "friendship" is a relatively loose term - and that by the end of it all, one can have 100's of acquaintences, but only a handful of true friends.

    It sounds like the people you've hung with are either to self-absorbed to notice they've hurt your feelings, or are just jack-off's who aren't worth your time. Only you can really know the difference.

    As far as women being "better" friends *snort* don't buy it for a moment. Women tend to be "fickle" and can "loose" friendships based on idle gossip, rumor & innuendo. Men, once they've become true friends are usually so through life - regardless where geographics take them. At least that's been what I've noticed.

    One day you will evaluate your life, and realize you have real friends - it will happen for you. It usually takes about a lifetime though - and treasure the ones you find!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You Val-Kilmer-look-alike-wit-da-bow-in-yo-haid! Friends. What a subject. Yer marryin yer best friend, what more do you want? If your *other* friends won't be at your wedding, they're not friends at all. It's one of the most important days of your life, they should be there. Fair weather friends come and go, but the most important days of your life they shoudl be there, no matter what.


  • crinklestein

    Just do what I do when friends pull this crap on you: When THEY have something important going on in their lives and want to invite you to it just give them a lame excuse. And I mean a REALLY LAME excuse. Tell them that you have to fill up your car's gass tank and generally don't like to drive it until the car has gotten used to having all that gas in it.
    Or that you are planning on going to the store that day and that usually wipes you out.
    Or tell them that you have to write a letter.

    Something really stupid. I had a friend that was like that too but his problem was that he was just too lazy to get off the couch. I worked less than a mile down the road from his place and I left my wallet there and I needed it for my lunch so I called him and asked him if he could bring it to me while I was at work. He was like, "Oh geez, I don't know if I can do that. I was going to just make some tea and then I was going to start writing a letter..."
    I cut him off and said, "Do you think you could hold off on that for possibly 5 minutes while you do this one simple thing for me?"
    "Well I also have to take a shower too and then I have...."

  • Nosferatu

    Thanx for all the thoughts everyone. Actually I have a bit of an update on the last friend I commented on. This is really stupid.

    After I tried calling his home line and he wasn't there, I went to bed. The phone rang 5 times around midnight. When I checked, it was him calling from his cell phone.

    Anyway, the next day he calls again from his cell phone. I pick up and say "How's it going?"
    Him: Who is this?
    I answer
    Him: I don't know you.
    Me: Isn't this Thiery?
    Him: No.
    Me: Shit, wrong number.

    Pretty ****ing stupid LOL!

    Thanx for all the thoughts everyone. Actually I have a bit of an update on the last friend I commented on. This is really stupid.

    After I tried calling his home line and he wasn't there, I went to bed. The phone rang 5 times around midnight. When I checked, it was him calling from his cell phone.

    Anyway, the next day he calls again from his cell phone. I pick up and say "How's it going?"
    Him: Who is this?
    I answer
    Him: I don't know you.
    Me: Isn't this Thiery?
    Him: No.
    Me: Shit, wrong number.

    Pretty ****ing stupid LOL!

    Anyway, I'm sure I'll survive. Marrying my best friend is great, but there are times when I need to do guy things with other guys.

  • Country_Woman

    Nos, I am sorry to hear that but, maybe your "friend" was'nt willing to make an appointment without his girlfriend.... anyway, I hope that you have a marvelous "big" day.

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