2004 district convention theme is...

by brianhenke 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy
    Sassy... that info is generally in the February 15 Watchtower of each year.

    Thanks Euph.. well since I don't get them any more.. can anyone help me?

  • blondie

    Sassy, the WTS usually posts the convention sites on their website:

    www.jw-media.org around February.

    Here's last years



  • GentlyFeral

    Wow, I had forgotten that I skipped a district convention before I decided to leave!

    During the 1994 "Godly Fear" convention, we were in the process of filing for welfare.

    By then I had so little "joy in the truth" that attending the convention wouldn't have been any more pleasant.

    But it was at the "Divine Teaching" convention, 1993, that my old hippie heretic spirit began to revive. It was, in fact, during the opening talk, in which the speaker actually used the phrase "we invite you to your spiritual transformation," that I realized that my hunger for free thought, spiritual adventure and intellectual honesty were valid, and still had a little hope that the Society might respect it.

    And then it was back to the same old same-old.

    By convention time 1995 I already considered myself a Unitarian Universalist.


  • DevonMcBride

    Maybe it should be called "Walking Away From Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • Nosferatu

    "Wanking With God". Sounds like fun!

    BTW Blondie, thanx for bringing back the bad memories. "Pure Language" was the most memorable for some reason. Maybe because it was incredibly boring.

  • toreador

    Wow Blondie,

    That brought back a lot of memories. I was at them all! Never missed a one.

  • Soledad

    WOW!! the memories

    1985 "Integrity Keepers" District Convention I was about 10 and living in Venezuela at the time. several people died from heat exhaustion
    1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention same place but this time it rained everyday. A lot of browbeating at this one (International year of peace, armageddon is coming soon, be awake, blah blah)
    1987 "Trust in Jehovah" District Convention same venue as previous two years. my mom told me I'd better get baptized next assemby "or else"
    1988 "Divine Justice" District Convention Yankee Stadium. I got baptized at this one, 2 days before my 13th birthday
    1989 "Godly Devotion" District Convention same venue, boring as hell
    1990 "Pure Language" District Convention same venue boring as hell. portions of the stadium at the field level started to collapse underground, everyone had to move into the nosebleed seats. the speaker at the podium got upset when people wouldn't move fast enough. he actually called them "burros."
    1991 "Lovers of Freedom" District Convention same venue. 3 days of 100 degree 95% humidity weather. some people died
    1992 "Light Bearers" District Convention last time assemblies would be held at Yankee stadium. I promised my mother that I'd go to bethel the following year instead of college. didn't keep the promise thank God.
    1993 "Divine Teaching" District Convention Nassau coliseum. my mother volunteered me and my brother to make sandwiches at 2am. slept through the whole convention, all 3 days. on Sunday I sneaked in some of my college school work and did that after I woke up.
    1994 "Godly Fear" District Convention I managed to get out of it because I had a part-time weekend job (YES!) I took off work anyway and went to Woodstock with some of my friends.

    1995 "Joyful Praisers" District Convention Couldn't get out this time. spent the whole convention just cruising the halls

    1996 "Messengers of Godly Peace" District Convention the year of my epiphany. I decided that enough is enough, that I wanted to be free. I was tired of living a lie. I promised to myself that it would be my very last assembly. That promise I kept.

    1997 "Faith in God's Word" District Convention - Absent
    1998 "God's Way of Life" District Convention - Absent ( I DA'd just before this one)
    1999 "God's Prophetic Word" District Convention - Absent
    2000 "Doers of God's Word" District Convention - Absent
    2001 "Teachers of God's Word" District Convention - Absent
    2002 - Absent
    2003 - Absent

  • Nosferatu

    Soledad, thanx for the great idea!!!

    Lots of the conventions I don't remember attending because I was so young. But here's my memorable ones:

    1986 "Divine Peace" District Convention
    I seem to remember this one for some reason.

    1987 "Trust in Jehovah" District Convention
    Don't remember this one. My Trust in Jehovah must not have been very good.

    1988 "Divine Justice" District Convention
    This was the year that the Convention wasn't held in Winnipeg. Many people from Winnipeg travelled to Saskatoon. This was also the year of the most memorable Drama where Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt.

    1989 "Godly Devotion" District Convention
    Yay for my devotion to not remember this convention.

    1990 "Pure Language" District Convention
    I believe this convention was the most memorable for me because it was the first one my dad attended.

    1991 "Lovers of Freedom" District Convention
    Didn't get any freedom that weekend.

    1992 "Light Bearers" District Convention
    I sat at this convention thinking about my first worldly girlfriend.

    1993 "Divine Teaching" District Convention
    Divine Teaching put me to sleep

    1994 "Godly Fear" District Convention
    My dad never went on Fridays. He didn't want to miss a day of work. I remember this Friday in particular because me and my mother were waiting for a bus. I was incredibly reluctant to go, but was forced to do so. There was a hottie waiting at the same bus stop. My mother told me, "It's hard to be seen in a suit especially around chicks". She said this quite loud. I was fully embarassed.

    1995 "Joyful Praisers" District Convention
    This was the year I had a car and a worldly girlfriend. I had plans to go visit her after the convention on Saturday. I also started a new school that year and told noone I was a JW. It was fun running into some of my classmates!

    1996 "Messengers of Godly Peace" District Convention
    This was the last one I attended. In fact, I only attended on Saturday. I also ran into some more classmates that were unaware I was a JW.

  • shamus

    Bleah! Thanks for the play by play, Nos! Aaaugh!

    I always hated conventions. Too long, too hot, too many announcements, the 15 minute prayer at the end while you're in a coliseum, you're hot, tired, want to go home, and some idiot on the stage mumbling about "Jehovah, please bless the butterflies" kind of stupid dammed prayer. It was basically a summary of the whole dammed 4 dayz!

    I used to get pissed off and sit down. It was just f'ing ridiculous! I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to have kids while all this is going on.....

    I will never EVER go to one of those again... THANK YOU GOD!

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?


    You picked the perfect avatar for yourself Shamus. A mean Bert with a bad haircut!

    What did you do wrong that you were taking a perp picture?

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