This Generation Has Passed Away

by Big Tex 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    Tex, The generation might have passed . . . but it looks like a LOT of it's money stuck to the Tower Publishing Corporation. Whatta ya think?

  • heathen

    Now if the members took the WTBTS advice and baught the miracle wheat and took sun baths before noon ( as we know this was considered healthy) then they could easily claim that a generation was more than 120 yrs.

    I agree with Garybus , the WTBTS is a publishing corporation that uses alot of the same gimmicks of many corporations , such as keeping an eye on the bottom line and when things get in the red they begin to use threats and cohesive tactics (us against the world and satan) to get more people selling more magazines and collect more donations . I don't know how they get away with it since every friggen year they report 951 million dollars in revenue to the IRS .

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