Anyone here ever been homeless?

by maybesbabies 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I was homeless for about a week in NYC. After my Father forced me out of the house because I refused to pioneer I ran into the wrong crowd did the wrong things and after two years I lost everything, sleeping on the NYC subways, eating at churches (no kingdum halls!), washing up in subway station bathrooms. After the week my parents took me back in only if I confessed to the elders in my congo and of course I got DF'd. The good thing that after that horrible experience I only used coke once or twice after that and i picked myself up. I had to move out of my parents house again after 6 months because the CO told them that I could sit in on the family study. I wasn't go for that nightmare again! So I found a room from an drug addict pal of mine and from there I got myself going to where I am today. NO WHERE!

  • Xandria


    I can understand where our brother is coming from. But, do you think the depression also comes from a feeling of pending changes too ? He may be worried about expectations and what to do with his life in the "interim" of waiting for Armageddon. I will call you or you call me.



  • FlyingHighNow

    Xandria brought up an important point. It's very normal to be scared and depressed about the step into adulthood that you make at the age of 18. This is true even for kids who always had a home and must leave for college or if they're just deciding what to do with their lives if they aren't going to college. It's scary when you realize you aren't considered a child anymore and people are going to expect YOU to take care of you from now on. It's especially scary if you don't feel you are prepared yet to take care of yourself.



  • Xandria

    Yea, but I know also how "Da" is too. He has some expectations and has a way of making you feel pressures you should not, instead of giving you direction.


  • Surreptitious
    Syrup, perhaps you need to rectify that problem?
    LOL!! Maybes!! You are my kinda girl!!

    Um, I meant that you were punny, not the "rectify" part.....

  • maybesbabies

    LOL Syrup!!!! S'alright, I gathered that!!!! Feeling a bit insecure, are we?

  • yxl1

    Not for too long. I remember when I was about 13, I told my mum I didnt want to go to the meetings anymore. She said that if I lived under her roof, I had no choice in the matter. I left home and slept rough for about a week (Mid November in the UK) but the hunger and cold got to me...and I caved in. I still havent forgiven her for that..and probably never will.

  • ColdRedRain

    Yeah, I was last month. After my mom was singing kingdumb songs to annoy the fuck outta me, I locked my door to prevent myself doing something I would regret. The woman then pulled a screwdriver, unscrewed the lock, and continued singing it in my ear. Since me and my mom mixed it up before, I knew that trusting that woman with a screwdriver would be like trusting Jeffery Dahmer with a knife and fork, so I handcuffed her so she wouldn't try to do anything to me, and I found myself in the homeless shelter. And I must agree, the workers at those shelters probably have to be the dumbest people in the world, and their stupidity is only matched by their arrogance.

  • gypsywildone

    My mother got involved with the jws when I was 13. I hated it with a passion. I never believed their bs & was just biding my time till I could get away. At the age of 15.5 I worked 56 hours a week in a resteraunt to avoid being home & refused to go to a kingdom hall. She bided her time also.

    As soon as it was legal, she threw my ass out. I lived with friends & bounced around & landed in the worst neighborhood in Arizona. An apartment complex full of welfare mamas, drug dealers, illegal aliens, professional shop lifters, & no count losers. Criminal elements of every shape & form. I shoplifted dinner when I wasn't working at the resteraunt & ate well. Hell, I learned from the rest of that apartment complex!

    It was a learning experience, & it made me one tough cookie. Around the age of 20, the novelty wore off & I started looking around with a more critical eye. I realized most of these welfare children were going to grow up to be in big trouble, & many of those people would be dead soon. I started college with no parental help (the world was gonna end soon, who NEEDED college) . Thank goodness for government grants & guaranteed student loans :)

    I stayed there while I went to school, got a great job, & never looked back into the psychosis that launched me there. Anyone can do it, but they must be motivated! Supportive, sane people around help also. But a person must have the drive.

    Living well is the best revenge!

  • obiwan

    Yep, I was!!! I was homeless after I was df'd.( I roomed with a couple of jw's ) My boss allowed me to sleep in the truck I drove for a living, and there was no sleeper cab. A man I had met and became friends with found out about my situation. He and his family took me in and helped me get on my feet.

    I will never forget them.

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