Pretzels are Pagan, will you eat just one?

by codeblue 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drwtsn32

    The Watchtower Library shows that pretzels were discussed in the 1946 12/22 Awake on page 22. Unfortunately the article isn't included on the CD.

  • shamus


    Pretzels are pagan! Pretzels are pagan! HA HA HAH AH HAHAHA! Sons of bitches!

  • mineralogist

    Questions from Readers
    Is it appropriate for Christians to eat pretzel?

    A good housewife looks consciousness to give her family nutritious food (Pr 31:15). As we do live in "critical times" one must look at the ingredients and forms too, since Satan tries to devour anyone (2.Tim 3:1; 1.Pe 5:9). Therefore it is a good habit to ask the butcher if he uses any blood* (Act 15:28,29). Surely we want to please our heavenly father Jehova and avoid certain symbols which stand in connection with false worship (Pr 27:11). A well known example is the ?Christstollen? ? a specialty from Germany and produced for Christmas representing Baby-Jesus in diapers. Clearly true Christians do not want to get ?stains? from those things (Jam 1:27).

    But how about Pretzel? Evidently they are invented by a monk in 7th century. It is said that: "The word for pretzel is bracciatelli. This means small arms or folded arms. It was used as a reward for students who recited their catechism correctly. The shape was meant to resemble the arms of a child in prayer. In medieval times, people prayed by putting their arms across their chest in a cross shape, placing each hand on the opposite shoulder." With all the variety of pastries it surely is possible for a true Christian wife to chose another than a Pretzel. Servants of Jehova keep away from "Babylon the great" and want to worship their creator "with spirit and truth" (Rev 18:4; John 4:24). Given these reasons they rightly refuse this shape of pastry due to her bible based conscious.


    Footnote: Due to his conscious one might ask for any fractions used as outlined in The Watchtower 6/15/2000 "Question from readers"

  • Gopher

    LOL @ Mineralogist

    Now comes new light...

    Questions from (make-believe) readers:

    Can a Christian conscientiously eat a pretzel?

    We appreciate the opportunity to once again legislate a conscience matter. In previous issues of Witchtower, we have discussed the false religious connotations once associated with pretzels. The very shape of pretzels illustrated so-called Christians giving prayers to their triune God. Even the number of holes in a pretzel (3) is associated with the Trinity.

    Should this matter to Christians in the 21st century? Some with weaker consciences and poor appetites would feel that it should. However, we've decided to totally leave the matter of eating pretzels, in any shape, flavor or texture, up to the individual Christian. No longer should elders question the individual publishers about their taste in pretzels.

    What really matters is, not how the matter was viewed centuries ago, but how people view pretzels now. When they go to an "Orange Julius" store or to a concession stand at a baseball stadium, how many modern people are really thinking about prayer or the trinity? Most people are just looking for an unnecessary in-between-meals snack to add to their already-too-large waistline. The greed for such food is shameful, but as long as the Christian remembers that food is a gift from Jehovah and says a prayer before each snack taken, there is nothing wrong with eating these salty snacks if one's conscience permits.

    In fact, eating salty snacks is in line with Jesus' admonition to "have salt in yourselves" and "you are the salt of the earth". Further, the Apostle Paul reminds us to "always have your words seasoned with salt, replying in a spirit of mildness". How can one even begin to follow such salty admonition if you didn't participate in the plethora of high-calorie, low nutrition, salty snack foods available wherever you go today?

    Yes even the matter of eating pretzels can be viewed as part of our worship of our great God Jehovah, who will soon destroy the vast majority of this world, including big business and salty snack makers like Frito-Lay and Keebler.

  • badboy

    Didn't I once do a thread about this subjest,not sure.

  • Gopher

    Yeah sometimes subjects get repeated.

    Some subjects, like pretzels, get a new "twist" on a new thread.

  • locomente

    Don't forget the pagan Girl Scout Cookies. One thin mint, and you're going straight to sheol. Get involved with those worldly pretzels and Girl Scout never know what could happen. I wonder, too, what is left to eat....obviously, snack foods are dwindling off the list.

  • Gopher

    That's right! By buying girl scout cookies in January and February, well -- you're supporting a (gasp) worldly institution!! Every good Christian knows that there won't be such an organization as "girl scouts" in the New Order ( tm ). So why support them now? Those girl scouts ought to learn how to spend time doing worthwhile things like preaching God's kingdom.

  • Faraon


    And I already quit eating the long straight pretzels since they represent ancient phallic symbols.

    I guess nachos are safer provided they are not cut in a triangular manner which obviously would represent the trinity.

    ... or another phalic symbol: the pubic region.

    I guess you can see sex symbols into everything if that is what rules your mind.

    If the cross is a phallic symbol that stands for a penis and the testicles, then the "torture stake" would represent a penis without testicles, or in another words, a ball-less man.


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