The newest love of my life (hot babe photos)

by seven006 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    Awwww.......Dave, she's one hot little mama!!! Funny though, I could see a little of you in her little face....I could see the family resemblance. Your son is a cutie too!!! :)

  • Angharad

    Awww shes gorgeous !!!

  • seven006


    She will never have me wrapped around her little finger. Her finger is just this tiny thing, I don't think I would fit around it. I will not teach her to do mischievous little things. Until she's a little older. I taught her how to kick a ball. Now she kicks everything. Roscoe the basset hound doesn't think it's funny. Basset hounds don't have much of a sense of humor.

    Yes, all us unfeeling demon possessed apostates don't have a clue what real love is do we? Little Aunna will never have to go through what any of us did or feel the pain of having our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles turn their backs on her. My son would not let my ex-wife's JW mother take Aunna to a meeting to show her off. He said she will never set foot in a kingdom hall. That's my boy!


    I have a feeling little Aunna will never meet my Mom, her great grandmother, thanks to the boys at Bethel and their cult rules. My own sons have only seen her twice in the past 18 years. I will copy and paste your post. I will show it to her when she gets a little older so she can see what a great grandmother could be like. I will also go back and copy several other of your posts and keep them in a folder for her to read once she learns how. I will post more photos of her here on the board as she grows up so my family here can be a part of her life. I will copy all the posts on those threads and save them so she can see everyone's comments. All of us here can all watch her grow up. I will probably have to edit out all of the "bastard" comments made by my two buddies Gumby and Minimus, but she'll see those too. She will need to know what kind of guys to stay away from and those two are perfect for that.

    You are a part of a family Mouthy, you just became part of mine and Aunna's.

    Take care and thank you for your comments,


  • seven006


    You think so? Maybe a little around the pig tails. Remember how long my hair was last summer? Yep, my son is a good looking kid. Aunna has his blue eyes.


    Thanks. I keep posting her photos as she grows up. In another 14 or 15 years your boys will probably be checking this site out a little more. She's going to drive my son crazy. It should be fun to watch.

    Take care,


  • Xandria

    Awww too cute,, can't move cuteness paralysis...must get help. Cuteness overpowering me. (joking) really she is beautiful.


  • crinklestein

    It's about 17 degrees outside. Hell is looking pretty cozy right now.

    Yeah, it's colder than a witches tit here in TN.

  • think41self

    Dave, she's gorgeous! Makes ME want a granddaughter of my own!

    Well, my oldest son is only 18, and just married, so it will probably be a few years. Sigh. This is the ONLY thing about getting older that I'm looking forward to. And my parents will probably miss out on their great grandchildren also, but that's their loss. The kids will be better off not meeting the dysfunctional whackos anyway. Keep posting pics Dave, we enjoy them!


  • frenchbabyface

    Yeah Cuty !!! especially the one where she is smilling with her teeth out !

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Dave she's gorgeous. I like Yeru's comment that they are the reason we are alive.

    She looks like she's going to be a real character and a total handful, those pig tails are just way too cute.

    Clare (Mrs SLH) has decided she is fed up with this working lark and wants a baby, so we're working towards one of our own now!

  • LittleToe

    She's got adorable eyes, and the cutest little gnashers!

    So... genetically speaking, which 1/4 did you pass on, Dave?

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