Why do most dubyas feel it is necessary to get a new dress...

by Agent Smith 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    or suit for the Conventions and Memorial?

    I have never understood this. Are they gonna hold a beauty pageant at the convention? Are they gonna give a "Best Dressed" award?

    It never fails. Everytime they one of these events nears I always get asked... "Did you get a new suit yet?"

    Why do I need new suit? It's crazy that everyone thinks they need new clothing for these events.

  • shamus

    I never truly understood this either. Saturday was the "Big" day... LOL! Wow! I just bought a $150.00 suit from Moores... it's cheap... look at me! I'm a sexy bitch!

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    it's because they have such dire lives that this is their only social preening occasion

  • Xena

    When else do they have a chance to dress up or get something new? I always got one...make one day seem more special in an otherwise not so special life.

    Myself, I don't begrudge them that, guess cause I can still remember what it was like.

  • blondie

    Sometimes because that is the only time their family budget will allow buy them new clothes; sort of like getting new clothes for the beginning of school.

    2 CA

    1 SD

    3 DC

    1 Memorial

    7 outfits a year isn't too extravagant.

    People like to look nice for special events; sisters have to look nice to find a husband, they're considered too old in many areas by the age of 25.

    I was a sister attending these events for over 40 years; if there was competition, it wasn't in my area.


  • Special K
    Special K

    I was reading an article in the paper the other day that talked about a thing called.

    "Getting your "COAT TURNED"... HMM???

    Was done in England mostly.. but I'm sure it was done other places...back in the 1800-early 1900's

    When a mans long coat started looking old and faded.. He took his coat to the local tailor.. and had his coat turned inside out... Viola.. a new looking coat..and little money spent.

    Maybe the J.W.'s could do that with their coats and Dresses.. although I wouldn't recommend it for underwear...

    ...aahhh.. but yes...I just remembered .. the only thing the J.W.'s turn inside out is ..

    You ... if you try to leave...


    Special K

  • Sunnygal41

    I think everyone who has commented so far has addressed all salient points.........it happened in our circuit/district also! At first, I bought into the behavior (no pun intended) but, after a while realized how ridiculous it was and just wore my same stuff I already had.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Because that's what most of them are all about. I know women that will literally get depressed, and not even go to these events if they don't have new outfits with shoes to match!!!

    And God forbit one should be the person that can't afford much clothing. They'll tear you apart behind your back!!! Laugh at you and make jokes of how you wear the same stuff all the time. How loving, right?!

    It's ridiculous!!!!!!!!!


  • worldlygirl

    Because it's their Easter!! I had this conversation w/my ex one time. I told him that the Memorial was nothing more than the Easter tradition of "Babylon the Great" - complete with the new outfits! Same stuff, different name, supposedly makes it okay.

  • KKLUV155

    I was raised very poor growing up. I remember this one time I was very upset that we had no money to buy a new dress for the convention, I cried and cried myself sick. My non-witness uncle asked me what was wrong and I told him. He took me to the mall and bought me a new dress just so I wouldn't feel left out. I look back now and understand how rediculous it was but when you are 16 years old I seemed very important. All your friends have new dresses except you. I look back and think how it was just all a big fashion show.

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