im very upset

by Shytears 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • freein89


    oh honey, rough times ahead, but now you have a genuine future ahead of you. Do something wonderful. Get an education and do great things. What is your dream job? Now the world is your oyster. Fabulous! Wish I had been out at such a young age. Dream big and make your dreams come true.

    Listen to the good folks here. You are not a bad person, and don't let anyone say you are-especially you.


  • shotgun

    Sorry ((((shytears))))

    In time your pain will heal and then you'll be glad to be free from the control of the WT. Sorry it had to happen in such an abrupt and painful manner.

    Make friends and get involved in classes or recreation to keep you occupied while making the transition.

  • Agent Smith
    Agent Smith

    Hey...Dont get so down. Its not the end of the world.

    Everything will be OK. Trust me

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Shy Tears..

    I have a 17 year old and can't imagine how upside down he would would be if he had to go through all this stuff.. My 17 year old is too busy with homework and friends and part time jobs and trying to map out what he's going to do after grade 12....(These sort of things are the only kind of pressures that 17 year old should be under.... not "Religious Pressure"..

    It does hurt, when your disfellowshipped.. I'd be lying if I said it didn't ...

    Hang on to your self esteem through this.. and be confident in yourself...You are a very intelligent person.

    Hope you have ones you can call and talk to on the phone.. cousins? were mentioned..

    also hope you have some friends at school....Lean on any appropriate ex J.W.'s that you can..

    Music can help get you though some low points, too...

    People your age shouldn't have to be exposed to this kind of religious abuse...It' JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!

    We're all behind you 100 % ... Your cyber-ex-jw friends.. who think your just GREAT!!!!.


    Special K

  • Sunnygal41

    {{{{{{{SHY!}}}}} You've come back to a really loving group of people! To some extent or another we all have been where you are! I, myself was disfellowshipped almost 5 years ago. It was tough at first, even tho I wanted to leave the organization, it still hurt. Feel free to talk to any of us if you want to!



  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper


    I'm glad you are out. It hurts for a little while until you learn to readjust your life to the world of potential out there. You are 17, enjoy what you have and be glad that you did not waste any more years on that dead unloving religion.

    Go wild, get laid and do whatever you feel will make you happy, your future is an open freeway spread out in front of you just waiting for you to take the first steps on the journey to the rest of your life. The journey is an adventure and should be enjoyed to the full, ignore the destination and enjoy the journey, enjoy the here and now.

  • Mulan
    Go wild, get laid

    No.............not good advice. Still too young, in my opinion.

    Do things to make you, work, etc.

  • orangefatcat

    Hi Shy Tears, it seems that everyone has given you some wise advise. I too was where you are now. The days ahead will be up and down but one thing is this we here are going to help you through this no matter what. You are young and that is one benifit that will be to your good. Life has so much to offer, and perhaps if you feel sad or lonely there are all kinds of people you can become friends with. Senior citizens in nursing homes , children, even school volunteer. and my favourite of course is helping the sick as they love volunteers to help the read or just to talk too.

    But First heal thy self. And life will fall into place!

    Love ya


  • cruzanheart

    (((((Shytears))))) I wondered what you were up to! I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I know it is upsetting and scary and horrible, but please comfort yourself with the fact that you are a GOOD person and this will pass. You will be 18 soon and it is time for you to make decisions about what YOU want to do with your life, not what someone else wants. That's scary too, but it is a wonderful feeling to stand on your own two feet, have your own place, and know that you can do whatever you want. Be smart and go to college, even if you have to wait tables to afford it. Try to avoid getting into debt and remember that you have a lifetime ahead of you. You can travel, be creative, make lots of money, have a family -- it's all out there waiting for you.

    The opinions of a few narrowminded people do not matter in this universe.

    Lots of love and hugs,


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours


    It's not the end, but rather the beginning of whatever you make it to be. Remember the good times and put the bad ones behind you as you move on to bigger and better things.

    When they announce it and people start to shun you, remember that you can play the same game. Be polite as you would with any stranger, but play their game just the same.

    Concentrate in the next stage of your life and don't give much thought to the 'what will people say/think'; most people have little to say because they have their own daily problems and struggles.

    I wish you the very best.


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