Were you happy as a witness?

by JH 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • freelife

    I always hated being made to feel like no mater what i was doing i needed to do more. for a organization who wants its followers to abstain from blood they sure wanted a lot of it from me.

  • codeblue

    Yes I was happy because I thought I had the "truth"....However I became very disturbed viewing the Dateline Special on child pedophiles, ashamed to go in service because I found out we were no better than any other religion. Then I was not happy being a witness, the hypocrisy hurt my conscience.


  • Red Witch
    Red Witch

    No, NO, and NOOOO! It felt like being on a sadistic treadmill, if that makes any sense. Having been raised as one, I wouldn't recognize happiness if it bit me on the butt ! But now, life is a pleasure and I enjoy it to the max

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