Apology to Little Witch

by Yerusalyim 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • NoBorg

    I'm a bleeding heart conservative

    Isn't that basically a Redneck?

  • stillajwexelder

    Stacy Smith and myself are also conservaties and Bush Fans -- so it is not just Yeru

  • wednesday

    The article u presented was good Yeru, and i found it interesting. I am a Bush supporter too. U are not alone, as XJWelder said.


  • imallgrowedup

    Me, four! I love my President and I love my country, even if others may view him/us as self-serving imperialists! However, after the last very heated thread, I came to realize that no one is going to change my mind - much anyway - and I'm not going to change anyone else's mind. Since I've got enough aggravation in my life without voluntarily subscribing to more, it's time for me to stay out of these threads! (Anyone know of a good 12-step program to help with that?!) I don't want to tick anyone off, but I can see that the fastest way to do just that is to get in my two cents worth. Sure, I don't upset the conservatives (much), but I do the liberals (without fail!). Yet, I happen to actually LIKE everyone here, so why do something that makes some angry?

    So, Yeru, I hope you don't mind if I chime in here, but I would also like to apologize for participating in political polarization (there's a tongue twister) on this board! I came here to make friends, not enemies. I hope I can be forgiven as well.

    (that's supposed to be an olive branch!)


  • Yerusalyim

    Here's hoping Minimus comes and kicks my a$$...I need it.

    I had received a PM from Little Witch about calling her Liberal Witch...I apologized in my reply and promised I would do so publically as well...this is starting to become a habit with me...ya'll need thicker skin...or I need to be nicer....nah...get thicker skin.

  • minimus

    Yeru, my tank is not available---so I'll let this one slide. But now you know what you can never ever do again. And if you don't smarten up, I'm gonna get Gumby on ya.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Yeru buddy why not make a total change. You've posted threads that are intended just to piss off Liberals. Last night Simon posted one intended to piss off conservatives. There is no reason to post any of this stuff.

    IMO this forum should be filled with either religious or social issues. Politics doesn't really belong especially when you know the owner is liberal. It's counter productive.

    I'm done with the politics here.

  • imallgrowedup

    Yeru -

    I'm gonna get Gumby on ya

    Don't let minimus fool you - Gumby's the good cop. It's Pokey you need to be worried about!


  • LittleToe

    Although I haven't got a lot of time for politics (I'm too busy catching up on other stuff that I missed in life), I think the idea of discussing it here has merits.

    Who else, but a bunch of barmy ex-JWs, would understand our difficulties in getting to grips with a subject which we were denied participation in, for so long?

    It is a volatile subject, though, and I'm not too keen to see any subject get heated to the point of upset.
    A bit of self- (dang, dont want to use the word "control" or "moderation" here, as they are both buzz words ) something, may be needed to keep it in its place.

  • Sunnygal41

    Personally, I think there is greatness and wisdom in being able to be humble and in being able to control one's words for fear of hurting another. A long time ago I was accused of having the tact of an elephant in heat. Whatever came into my mind went from there right off my tongue with no consideration of the consequences..................to myself or others. When we deliberately post or say something to bait another, we have to take the consequences. Personally, I have learned that there are too many other more important things to put my energy into that are far more productive, than wasting it in arguments that probably won't go anywhere, especially if I did it in an aggressive, baiting way to begin with. I wish to live in peace and harmony with my fellow earthlings, so I engage my brain and heart before engaging my tongue.


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