If You Were God, How Would You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Englishman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    eheh I think I would pretend to bring about Armageddon...you know four horseman, dark skies, lots of lightening, let my son go down and make an appearance/sign some autographs, freak em out real good then..."ahaha just kidding!"...That would piss the dubbies right off! Either that or turn them all into athiests or something...eheh


    District Overbeer

  • hillary_step


    Well, I would certainly not feel them to be the most offensive group of religionists out there but certainly not the least offensive.

    If the Bible is to be believed, Christ judges the 'individual according to their deeds' and if this is the case I agree with Raymond Franz that the WTS contains as many worthy Christians as many other religions, and also as many unworthy.

    My agnosticism hangs out all over the place, but as everything in the Universe is changing and is not static, neither are my views, especially of what God may find offensive or not. While Reality TV exists, I know that God does not...

    Best regards - HS

  • crinklestein

    If I was God it would be a very good thing that I have the ability to count the number of stars that are in the universe because I would use those great counting skills to keep track of the great and growing number of atrocities the JW organization is comitting on a daily basis. I would open up each and every one of their hearts and minds and force them to see themselves for what they really are. I would take the ones in power and set them aside seperate and beat into their now-opened minds every single one of the truley evil things they have done. I would force them to see all of the lives they have destroyed. Every single life...every single family...every single detail. By the time I got done with them they would be so mentally beaten down and they would be begging me to stop but I would not stop until I showed them EVERYTHING they have done throughout the years! They would be quivering in shame and revulsion over their revealed actions. Then I would tell them that they are to be held accountable for all of these actions whether they personally did them or not. As an organization they are responsible for everything that organization has done in the past and what they are doing in the present. I would point out to them that since they have this strong belief in bloodguilt and use that as a reason for going out in service I would then use this belief against them and tell them that they must answer for all of this bloodguilt. They must pay back every drop of blood they were responsible for spilling...and they must pay it back with their own blood. I would point out also that with the great number of sins they have comitted they do not have enough blood to cover the debt they owe me. But every drop I would take nontheless. In the end they will know excatly why they were destroyed and by the time I got done with them they would be begging me to just get it over with.

  • crinklestein

    As far as the rank and file members I would just point out to them the errors of their ways, open their minds and hearts and then show them the faults of the organization they were following. If by the end they were ashamed of ever being a part of them then I would forgive them because most of them don't have the ability to discern when they are being lied to and are good people at heart. They are just misled and being a sinful imperfect person that is to be understood. But if after showing them the atrocities of the organization with their hearts and minds being opened and they still cling to it then I would inform them that they will share in her fate. Flee from the disgusting thing that you do not share in its fate. They will have their chance to flee but not all will take advantage of it. They will go down with the worst of them but not for a lack of serious Godly convincing.

  • minimus

    I'd feel a little sad for them and EVERY OTHER GROUP OUT THERE while I shake my head.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Let's see. I would be twiddling my thumbs, but in reverse.

    Guest 77

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