If You Were God, How Would You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses?

by Englishman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    If I was God, I'd be pretty pissed off with JW's. They must surely be the most appalling publicity agents on the face of the Earth!

    Think about it. According to them, God is someone who is obsessed with what we do with our genitalia. He's also got this thing about blood.

    He must be so-o-o-o utterly brassed off with them!

    Yet they have this weird idea that they are His Organisation On Earth.

    So then, If You Were God, How Would You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses?


  • gumby
    So then, If You Were God, How Would You Feel About Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I would love them and feel bad for them that they were decieved and do not know it.

    I'll take my wife for example. If I were god looking down on her, I would see a good hearted caring person who truely believes she is trying to make me happy. She goes to the hall when she's tired, she tries to study her lesson about me, and she goes knocking on doors to tell others about me when she really doesn't want to. Why would I be pissed at her for working so hard to please me, when I know full well that what she thinks she is doing pleases me? I would have to be one mean god.


    (p.s. ........as for those KNOWING they are wrong, and stay in this Organisation without any effort to escape it....I'd kick their arse!)

  • Sentinel

    I tend to believe that the creator(s) view humankind in this era as a whole and not individually. We are each on our own separate journey--the journey of the soul--and we have gratiously been allowed that journey without interference.

    I think humankind resonates a "sound" toward the heavens, and if that sound is pleasing, so be it; if that sound is not pleasing, then of course the creator(s) can do with us as he desires. We have no control over any of that, only with the choices we make.

    Hopefully, mankind will continue to strive to have an exchange of love and compassion among themselves. As far as how I would view Jehovah's Witnesses if I were god--I would have great empathy for them because they are like all the other religions. They are their own worst enemy.


  • CountryGuy

    I'm sure I'd fell about them like I do now:

    Most of the rank and file JWs are sincere and are doing the abosolute best they can. Those are the people that I feel sorry for. As God, I would do something to make their life better. Not sure what though.

    For those haughty and "puffed up with pride" elders and gb members, I'd create a hell and send them there. But just for the tour. I'm not mean. If after that experience, they didn't change their ways, I'd kick their butt up between their shoulder blades.

  • Sargon

    Good question E-man,

    I think if i were god, I'd have to feel sorry for these people wasting their lives away; giving allegiance to a false organization.

  • NoBorg

    At least towards the leaders and most in positions of authority, about the same way as he felt about the Pharisee's < spelling?

  • mustang

    RBC: HI, this is Martin Luther, the 15th, of RBC (Religious Broadcast Corporation). We look in on a press conference, already in progress:

    God: Yes, next question:

    Tom S., New York Times: God, how do you feel about the JW’s representing you? BTW, we in NYC have frequent concerns about them taking over Brooklyn and changing it’s name.

    God: I don’t know them, but I have looked into them. They are gross incompetents and clueless liars. They couldn’t prophesy that my hat will hit the floor if I dropped it.

    I know them not, although I hear that they THINK they have done great things in my name. But, I will have to tell them what I told Satan: get thee hence!!!

    As far as NYC goes, you are on your own and you have my sympathies.

    God: Moving along, next question:

    RBC: There you have it!!! In a surprise move, God has announced a rude awakening in the future for the scourge of Brooklyn. As usual, we have to add the following disclaimer about religious thoughts and interventions: Further, all that I(we) write or utter, is protected by religious freedom under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise", as well as "freedom of speech" clauses.

    Mustang, 30

  • NoBorg

    Mustang, Nicely done!

  • Sargon
    They couldn?t prophesy that my hat will hit the floor if I dropped it.

    Good One. Can't stop laffing!!!

  • Vivamus

    Who am I to step into God's shoes? I just hope that when the time of Judgement comes, He takes a second to step into mine, lol


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

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