No one gets me!

by joannadandy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    Yes it's true...I am having flashbacks of my angsty teen years where my call to arms was always "You just don't understand me!"

    Miss Eyegirl and I have been spending a lot of time together. Probably too much for the safety of the human race. We have come to share a lobe (no, not liver lobes--besides that rat slippy already claimed dibs on all her liver lobes). It's good to find people on the same page as you. It's pretty rare.

    Case in point. After my dear albino sister went home I was watching a movie with my mom. A scene in the movie shows the main characters taking a boat ride and looking into the tree they see two owls on a branch. So I bellered and I quote, "HOOTERS!" as any red blooded American would. At this point Eyegirl usually spits her champagne all over herself while laughing at me. Instead, I was greeted with a deep silence from my mothers direction. I'm sure she's counting the days until my graduation. I giggled on the inside because damnit it was funny! And thought to myself, "No one gets me."

    I feel very lucky to know miss Eyegirl. As I am sure most of you long time posters know, she is my siamese twin who I was never conjoined to, who was born in different year, in a different part of the state, to different parents.

    I guess the older I get the more I realize finding people who get you, and I mean REALLY get you is tough. Especailly leaving such a wacky religion as many of us did. Finding people who can realate to tough family rules, no holidays, no traditions, fanatical biblical adhearance, and everything that goes along with that is tough. Not impossible just tough.

    Places like this help.

    But even more than that. It's even harder to find people who think like you. Who you know how they will react when you say something. Who know what your limits are. Someone you feel comfortable with.

    For a long time after I left the JW's I was convinced I would never find life-long friends like I had when I was a JW. I thought I was too old. People who have best friends have had them since they were little. I thought for sure there would never be anyone I could relate to again. I had condemned myself to a life of mere acquaintances.

    Lucky for me I have met people who I do bond with. Several here too. You people know who you are, and you do get me. I dunno if it's because I am feeling old, feeling hormonal, or it's the champagne remnants talking, but I have realized how valuable friends are. Good ones. Who get you.

    So my dear posters of JWD. I lift my glass to you and say Cheers!

    Have a wonderful new year filled with many friends who do get you.

  • jgnat

    Oh. When you said, "No one gets me." that meant that you were already taken. Are you still up for grabs, or at least teeny tiny pinches?

    (Not that I am looking)

    (Not that there is anything wrong with that)

  • Aztec

    Jojo, I wish I had met you often enough to get you. I think we'd get along quite well. The people here who 'get' me are Canadian so don't trust them!!! Rayzor and Iiz2cool and Petty and Out all 'get' me and I'm very fortunate that they do. Did I mention Rational Witness and his lovely wife?

    On a happy note: I have a few email buddies who I rarely talk to but understand me almost as much. I got a book of Anton Checkov's short stories as a present. Wahoo! My best friend let me know he was alive; a present in itself, and I found an old Witness friend via the internet. I'm a very happy person because I've had so many wonderful people accept me as a friend.

    I really care about you Jo!


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Jo..

    I think that when all is said in done.. one could probably count their closes friends.. the friends that you speak about..(the ones that get you).. on ONE HAND...and a number of 5 might be high.. maybe only 1 or 2. .. possibly 3..

    But.. as bubbly as you are, I think that you may have lots of social friends....and that is Okay too.

    There are friends you party with/ friends you sing with/ friends you paint with/ friends you walk with...but sometimes those friends aren't the ones we tell our deepest thoughts and fears to.

    but the true blue bare your soul type friends ...are truly few..(At least that is my experience)...

    The J.W. experience can leave one gun-shy (for awhile) in making friends.. I suspect that is normal for alot of us.. since the friendship rug gets pulled out from under you when you leave the religion... It is a bad experience I can tell you that.


    Special K

  • nilfun

    Joannadandy, I'm glad you've found friends who really "get you" . Happy New Year *clink*

    And thought to myself, "No one gets me."

    I can relate.

    Have a wonderful new year filled with many friends who do get you.

    From your mouth to God's ear.


    I tip my glass to you Joannadandy.

    Yes, I know what you mean. No one on this Earth could ever truly appreciate what you or myself have gone through, except someone who has experienced similarly.

    Even better, when you connect on a much higher level.

    That has happened to me, just these past few months. It's pretty incredible. I thought it'd never happen to me.

    Just the same Joannadandy darlin', it was fun to read your post, and when you bellowed out that remark "Hooters" I damn near lost my vodka drink.

    To my neighbour, just up and over the Great Lakes, and oh yes, past a few trees and smaller lakes, a big Happy New Year to you.

    So nice to have a sweetie such as you here.

    (I don't wear lipstick, but I had some on my face on New Years Eve, Aztec can tell ya),

  • seattleniceguy

    Hey Jo,

    I was at a party last night, my first New Year's party, and I happened to tell someone my history in the organization. When I got to the part about having to leave all my friends behind, he said, "Oh, kind of like moving." I stopped for a minute, and I thought, "Yeah, kind of like moving." I really liked that comparison, because it's something normal humans have to do from time to time. Of course, leaving the organization is a bit more severe than just moving to a new place, but in many ways it's true in how you have to start over.

    That thought kind of cheered me up. It made the road seem much more doable. I hope your paths are filled with many new friends who get you. Cheers!


  • Nosferatu

    I know what you mean Joanna. Lots of people don't get my screwed up sense of humor. At least I can make myself laugh. It's tough finding people who are on the same level as yourself, even if it's underwater.

    Mr. Rogers always told me I was special. He was right.

  • Xandria

    Note to self... need to go to movies w/ Joanna Dannna dan. Yep, that would be worth paying the freaking 12.00 bucks. Secondary note.. do not drink bladder buster before movie.. lest I pee my pants with laughter.


  • RandomTask

    Tears, streaming down face... I am a real boy!

    You guys are the best (lemurs)!

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